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H Open Week: Free Services for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Early Diagnosis

On the occasion of World Heart Day, which is celebrated on 29 September, Fondazione Onda, for the third consecutive year, is organizing the (H) Open Week dedicated to cardiovascular diseases from 26 September to 2 October with the aim of promoting information, prevention and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, with a particular focus on abdominal aortic aneurysm, cardiac infarction and valvular diseases.

«For the occasion – explains Antonella Villa, director of the SC of Obstetrics and Gynecology and representative of the company’s Onda project – the specialists of the Asst Ovest, whom I thank for their availability, will offer dozens of free services to the women of our territory. We have focused on offering ECGs, a non-invasive test that measures the electrical activity of the heart, and on cardiology visits, which are an opportunity to talk to a cardiologist about the risks of heart disease and how to reduce them.”

Free services

Six free cardiological visits with ECG for women over 50 in menopause belonging to one of the 77 countries in the Asst territory, by booking, from 13/09, by email [email protected] specifying name, surname, tax code and city of residence. The services will be provided on Thursday 28 September from 9am to 1pm at the Treviglio Hospital Clinic – Cardiology outpatient area (amb. area 5-11);

Thirty free ECGs for women over 50 in menopause belonging to one of the towns in the Western Plain District territory provided on Saturday 30 September from 1pm to 3.30pm at the Treviglio Community House in Via Matteotti 4 – IFEC clinic. The reservation, by 11.00 on Friday 09/29/2023, can be made at no. 331/2341278;

Thirty free ECGs for women over 50 in menopause belonging to one of the towns in the Eastern Plains District territory provided on Saturday 30 September from 1pm to 3.30pm at the Martinengo Community House in Piazza Maggiore, 11 – IFEC clinic. The reservation, by 11.00 on Friday 29/09/2023, can be made at no. 331/2341284;

Thirty free ECGs for women over 50 in menopause belonging to one of the towns in the Middle Plains District territory provided on Saturday 30 September from 1pm to 3.30pm at the Dalmine Community House in Viale Betelli, 2 – IFEC clinic. The reservation, by 11.00 on Friday 29/09/2023, can be made at no. 335/1377834;

Thirty free ECGs for women over 50 in menopause belonging to one of the countries in the Isola and Val San Martino District territory provided on Saturday 30 September from 1pm to 3.30pm at the extra-hospital outpatient clinic of Calusco d’Adda Via Locatelli, 265/corner of Via Volta 24033- – IFEC clinic. The reservation, by 11.00 on Friday 09/29/2023, can be made at no. 331/2341582.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases represent the main cause of death in our country, being responsible for 35.8 percent of all deaths: 38.8 percent in women and 32.5 percent in men; they occur in women with a delay of at least ten years compared to men, since women are protected by the hormonal “shield” of estrogen until menopause. Subsequently, they are affected even more than men by cardiovascular events, which are often more serious, even if they manifest themselves with a less evident clinical picture.

For both sexes, however, the role of primary prevention remains crucial, mainly linked to lifestyle, and early diagnosis, particularly in those with cardiovascular risk factors, such as: family history, advanced age, smoking, arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, obesity, stress.

«This initiative has a high social value with the aim of underlining the importance of primary prevention and facilitating access to early diagnosis, making services directly accessible even which in many cases are burdened by long waiting lists. Furthermore, we want to help dispel the misconception that cardiovascular diseases mainly affect men, with the vast majority of women having a very low perception of the dangers related to these pathologies. Given the great success and the high number of requests in previous years, we decided to replicate and this year the focus of the week of free services is on very widespread cardiac problems that are still often underestimated or not known by the population such as aortic aneurysm abdominal pain, heart attack and valvular diseases” comments Francesca Merzagora, president of Fondazione Onda.

Other prevention initiatives

Approximately 140 facilities in the Pink Stamp network have joined the initiative and will offer free clinical, diagnostic and information services, in person and remotely, in the specialist areas of cardiology and vascular surgery. Starting from September 13th, all the services offered with information on dates, times and booking methods will be available on the site www.bollinirosa.it . You can select the region and province of interest to view the list of participating hospitals and consult the services offered.

Since 2007, Fondazione Onda has awarded the «Pink Sticker» recognition to hospitals that provide services dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the main female pathologies; the network, made up of 354 hospitals located throughout the country, supports Fondazione Onda in promoting, even within hospitals, a “gender” approach in the definition and strategic planning of clinical-care services, essential to guarantee the right to health not only women but also men.

Furthermore, starting from 13 September, the #trisdicuore Vince la prevention awareness campaign will be active to promote correct information on the most common cardiovascular diseases in collaboration with some scientific societies.

The Municipalities of the Asst Bergamo Ovest

Isola and Val San Martino District: Ambivere, Bonate Sopra, Bonate Sotto, Bottanuco, Brembate, Brembate Sopra, Calusco d’Adda, Capriate San Gervasio, Caprino B.sco, Carvico, Chignolo d’Isola, Cisano B.sco, Filago, Madone, Mapello, Medolago, Ponte San Pietro, Pontida, Presezzo, Solza, Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, Suisio, Terno d’Isola, Torre dè Busi and Villa d’Adda.

Middle Plain District: Azzano San Paolo, Boltiere, Ciserano, Comun Nuovo, Curno, Dalmine, Lallio, Levate, Mozzo, Osio Sopra, Osio Sotto, Stezzano, Treviolo, Urgnano, Verdellino, Verdello and Zanica.

Western Plain District: Arcene, Arzago d’Adda, Brignano Gera d’Adda, Calvenzano, Canonica d’Adda, Caravaggio, Casirate d’Adda, Castel Rozzone, Fara Gera d’Adda, Fornovo S. Giovanni, Lurano, Misano Gera d’Adda ‘Adda, Mozzanica, Pagazzano, Pognano, Pontirolo Nuovo, Spirano and Treviglio.

Eastern Plain District: Antegnate, Barbata, Bariano, Calcio, Cividate al Piano, Cologno al Serio, Cortenuova, Covo, Fara Olivana/Sola, Fontanella, Ghisalba, Isso, Martinengo, Morengo, Pumenengo, Romano di Lombardia and Torre Pallavicina.

2023-09-13 10:41:55
#Heart #prevention #free #visits #electrocardiograms #Heres

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