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Gypsy Rose Blanchard: First Public Statement, Docuseries and Book Announcement

SHOWBIZZGypsy Rose Blanchard (32) has spoken out for the first time since her release. The American, who murdered her mother with 17 stab wounds in 2015, was released early last Thursday. In a video on social media she says that she is very happy with the support she has received and announces her own docuseries and book.

“Hey everyone, this is Gypsy. I am finally free,” she begins her post on social media. “I just wanted to share a video to thank everyone for the outpouring of support I have received on social media. Everyone has been very kind and supportive. I really appreciate that,” he sounds grateful. Gypsy is back home in Louisiana. “It’s nice to be home again. I’m enjoying a beautiful day.”

In the video she also says that “great things are going to happen soon.” She announces her upcoming docuseries ‘The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard’. The American also publishes a book: ‘Released: Conversations on the Eve of Freedom’. “I am very proud of the project. It’s not a summary of everything that happened. It is my reflection of everything I have learned over the past 8.5 years.”

The American was released early on Thursday, December 28, after seven years. Normally she would have served ten years for her mother’s murder. Gypsy has been very active on social media since her release. She has already shared several selfies with her 5.3 million followers on Instagram. But Sunday’s video marked the first time she addressed the public.

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17 stab wounds

Gypsy was the victim of physical and mental abuse for years. Detectives revealed how her mother Dee Dee suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a mental illness in which patients deliberately fabricate illnesses in someone else, often their child, to be treated repeatedly to arouse pity and attract attention. Dee Dee made her daughter and those around her believe that she was seriously ill. For example, she put Gypsy in a wheelchair from the age of eight, while that was not necessary at all. She had her fed through a tube. She talked about her leukemia, epilepsy and a muscle disease. Dee Dee also claimed that Gypsy had the mental age of a seven-year-old.

Gypsy went along with her mother’s imagination, even as the girl began to fully realize what was going on. But in the end it was enough. On June 14, 2015, the disturbing message appeared on the joint Facebook account of the mother and her daughter: “The bitch is dead.” Friends immediately raised the alarm to the police, causing a hallucinatory story to come to light. Gypsy, together with her boyfriend, murdered her mother with 17 stab wounds. Less than 48 hours later, the two were apprehended in Wisconsin, about 600 miles away. Gypsy was 24 years old at the time.


She killed her mother who made her critically ill and crippled for years: Gypsy Rose Blanchard has been released from prison (+)

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2024-01-01 08:44:44

#Gypsy #Rose #Blanchard #speaks #time #parole #murdering #mother #nice #home

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