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Gyeonggi Province and New York State agree on cooperation on four measures, including climate change response

Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon, who is visiting the eastern region of the United States, met with New York Governor Kathy Hochul on the 17th (local time) and continued his ‘sales diplomacy’.

According to Gyeonggi Province, on the 18th, Governor Kim had a meeting with Governor Hocal in New York and proposed four proposals, including △ joint response to climate change △ establishment of startup partnerships △ strengthening cooperation with AI companies △ signing of an MOU for friendly cooperation between Gyeonggi Province and New York State.

▲Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon (right) and New York Governor Cathy Hocal are taking a commemorative photo. ⓒGyeonggi-do

First, Governor Kim said, “In Korea, he is taking the lead in responding to climate change so strongly that he is called the ‘climate governor.’ “Climate Tech is working to resolve gaps, including the ‘climate divide,’ where vulnerable groups are suffering due to the climate crisis,” he said.

He said, “When I met Al Gore (former U.S. Vice President) last year, I used the term ‘climate divide,’ and the governor probably had the same intention, saying, ‘Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), I understand that you have created a system that ensures that more than 35% of the benefits of clean energy and energy efficiency programs go to people. “I hope that New York State and Gyeonggi Province will work together to play a meaningful role in the international community,” he said.

Governor Cathy Hocal said “YES” repeatedly in sympathy and said, “This is a very good idea. We have set very ambitious solar energy goals and plan to introduce the largest offshore wind power grid in the United States and continue to invest in it. “In addition, we are working hard every day to set several difficult goals, such as battery storage, electrification of buildings, and introduction of electric vehicles by 2035,” he said.

Regarding startups, Governor Kim said, “New York is the cradle of startups, to the extent that we hear people say it is the ‘startup genome’ just as much as Silicon Valley.” He added, “Gyeonggi-do is also home to 30% of all startups in Korea, and a place called Pangyo is a ‘Korean city.’ It is called ‘Silicon Valley’. “We propose cooperation with startups, such as holding various forums or exhibitions between New York City and Gyeonggi Province, as well as providing a venue for mutual exchange and promotion between companies,” he said.

He continued, “More than 500 startups and 30 venture capitals will participate in an event called ‘New York NYC Startup Summit (Korea Startup Forum New York)’ tomorrow, and I was invited and came with 22 startups from Gyeonggi Province. My pledge is to make Gyeonggi-do a ‘startup paradise.’ “The most important purpose of this visit is to seek partnerships between American startups and Korean startups in Gyeonggi Province,” he added.

Governor Hocal said, “(Startups) are a mutually beneficial field,” and added, “I don’t know what it is like in Gyeonggi-do, but startups in New York State are experiencing a lot of manpower shortage issues. There are also issues related to capital issues and power supply and demand, and I think it is very important to have a forum such as the one you mentioned where startups can interact and get to know each other by exchanging stories, like a matchmaker. “We will also have something to learn from Gyeonggi Province,” he said.

▲Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon (right) and New York Governor Cathy Hocal are having a conversation. ⓒGyeonggi-do

Regarding the third proposal (AI), Governor Kim said, “In Korea, Gyeonggi Province is the most advanced in the field of AI. I understand that the governor is actively promoting AI, and we also opened the ‘Gyeonggi AI Campus’ this month. “I hope that AI cooperation between Gyeonggi Province and New York State and cooperation between companies will be further strengthened,” he said.

Governor Hocal said, “Our team will make sure it goes well,” and added, “It is a good opportunity for us as we can personally build relationships in both regions by coming to this great opportunity. I believe there is a lot of synergy in cooperation between the two regions in various fields, including the semiconductor industry and the AI ​​industry. Regarding AI, we are working on a project to develop an AI supercomputer in New York State. “It was launched in January, but was recently passed by Congress, so it was finally announced,” he explained.

Lastly, Governor Kim suggested, “Gyeonggi-do is the center of industry in Korea, and New York is also the center of the United States, so I hope we can sign an MOU and cooperate together so that we can communicate regularly in various aspects of high-tech industry and education.” .

He continued, “I would like to invite the governor to Gyeonggi Province. We would welcome you to visit Gyeonggi-do when it is convenient for you. “If such friendly relations progress, I hope to create a dialogue channel to properly discuss various issues,” he said.

Governor Hocal also said, “Thank you very much for the invitation. “The MOU is something we have been considering for a long time, and it seems to have the meaning of formalizing our inter-regional friendship and, in particular, cooperation to bring out the potential of cutting-edge technology,” he said, expressing a positive stance.

He then said, “I hope that the innovative economies of both regions can meet each other and find solutions to climate change, medical problems, etc. We will continue to review it so that we can formulate it well. “Thank you for the offer,” he repeated.

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