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Guy Vanhengel (Open VLD) is no longer a candidate in 2024

Brussels Open VLD politician Guy Vanhengel (63) will no longer be a candidate in the Brussels elections in 2024. He had been a minister for just under 20 years and is until now the only politician who has been part of the Brussels, Flemish and federal governments, usually with Budget as the competence.

“It’s now up to the young generation to take matters into their own hands,” he says Monday to Bruzzwhere he announces his retirement.

Vanhengel was elected to the Brussels Parliament in 1995, of which he remained a member until today, except for a short trip to the Chamber from 2010 to 2011. In 2000 he became Brussels minister of, among other things, Finance and Budget.

For a short time (2002-2003) he combined that with a seat in the Flemish government as Minister of Sport and Capital Affairs. In 2009 he transferred to the federal government where he replaced Karel De Gucht who became European Commissioner.

In 2011, he returned to the Brussels government, where he remained in post until 2019. He still took part in the Brussels government negotiations, but left his seat in the government to Sven Gatz. Guy Vanhengel did become the first Vice-President of the Brussels Parliament.

Vanhengel is also a municipal councilor in Evere, since 1989. He was elected to the Mayor’s List, together with Prime Minister Rudi Vervoort (PS).

‘I’ve slowed down a bit in recent years to make more time for my family,’ Vanhengel tells Bruzz. “I want to get out of politics in a decent way,” he continues. “Besides, no one is irreplaceable.” According to Vanhengel, it is now up to a younger generation. ‘I have helped many young people to develop in politics, now it is their turn’, he concludes.

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