The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterressaid this Thursday that Ecuador’s eventual expulsion from the UN, like all matters relating to membership, depends on the member states..
However, Guterres, through his spokesman Stéphane Dujarric, tried to downplay the bilateral conflict and said that hopes that “the tensions between Ecuador and Mexico will be addressed through dialogue”.
He also recalled that the UN has expressed its “condemnation for the flagrant violations of international law (…) when the embassy (Mexican in Quito) was attacked” last Friday.
Hoy, The Mexican Government asked to suspend Ecuador from the UN for the assault on its embassy in Quito in the complaint it presented to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
In the complaint, Mexico demands “the suspension of Ecuador as a member of the United Nations Organization until a public apology is issued, recognizing the violations of the fundamental principles and norms of international law.”said the Mexican Foreign Minister, Alicia Barcenaat a conference.
The Mexican demand does not seem easy to meet judging by the UN’s own history: since its founding, only one State has been expelled: it was in 1971, when Taiwan was stripped of the seat of the Republic of China, which in its place was delivered to the People’s Republic of China.
Ecuador is not only a full member of the UN but currently has a seat on the Security Council within the quota of Latin American and Caribbean countries, a position it has held since June 2022. EFE

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