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Gustavo Beliz met in Washington with Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

The Secretary of Strategic Affairs Gustavo Beliz ended his official visit to the United States this Friday with a working meeting with the Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, chief adviser to President Joe Biden and highest authority of the United States National Security Council, contact in which they agreed promote a shared agenda and a strategic dialogue centered on innovation, technology and climate change.

At the meeting in Washington, Beliz and Sullivan ratified the will of their respective presidents, Joseph Biden. and Alberto Fernández, to promote common actions aimed at facilitating the fastest recovery in Argentina, recognizing “The importance of advancing in a successful negotiation with the IMF, which contributes to a sustainable debt and long-term inclusive growth in Argentina.

Beliz and Sullivan highlighted the importance of “Advance a roadmap for bilateral cooperation” established at the meeting held in August in Buenos Aires. These mechanisms will aim to accelerate the development of a knowledge economy with social and gender inclusion and promote new socially and environmentally sustainable investments in artificial intelligence, digital infrastructure, federal connectivity, inclusion and technological diversity.

Both officials agreed on the need to strengthen public and private convergence, and on the importance of focusing on “joint efforts to address the urgency of climate change, leveraging international financial institutions to promote an ecological and equitable economic recovery from the pandemic of COVID-19, and working together to foster innovation in the digital economy and emerging technology. ”

The National Counselor and the Secretary for Strategic Affairs identified the priority axes that will make up a first nucleus of public-private strategic dialogues on the following topics:
Innovation and economy 4.0, including infrastructure for connectivity, technological inclusion, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and complementation of satellite capabilities.

Climate change, with a focus on energy transition, circular economy, biotechnology and sustainable agriculture.

Beliz and Sullivan addressed the problem of vulnerable middle-income countries, and explored new alternatives for strengthening multilateral development banking, debt relief, and making better use of special drawing rights, including the elimination of surcharges. .

During this official visit to Washington, Secretary Beliz worked with the Multilateral Development Banks to broaden the agenda of support programs for our country, which made it possible to announce the following levels of support: an agreement of USD 2 billion for priority development projects with the World Bank and an IDB financing program for USD 2.6 billion, which includes investment loans, regional loans and fast-disbursing loans.

The projects approved for Argentina were highlighted by Secretary Beliz for “their federal perspective, focused on the agenda of adaptation and implementation to climate change, digital innovation, connectivity and technology, artificial intelligence, human development with social inclusion and the promotion of the economy. 4.0. ”

Beliz’s official mission also included participation in the 25th Annual CAF Conference, which was accompanied by a working meeting with the main executives of the Multilateral Development Banks, where the Secretary presented concrete alternatives in terms of financial innovation for the capitalization of development institutions using the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR).

Beliz proposed a “pact between developed countries and Latin American and Caribbean countries to use these SDRs in the capitalization of Regional Development Banks, which is accompanied by the creation of a Stabilization Fund that supports them with guarantees to strengthen their counter-cyclical action. ”And, likewise, a concessional fund made up of donations from the richest countries that allows them to expand their support to private investments aimed at tackling climate change, rewarding those actions that exceed the committed environmental goals.

In a dynamic promoted in conjunction with the US Chamber of Commerce and AMCHAM in Buenos Aires, and with the support of the Argentine Embassy in Washington, Beliz launched together with the main North American companies in the information technology sector and from the knowledge economy, the Strategic Dialogue 4.0 between the United States and Argentina focused on Artificial Intelligence, Information, Connectivity and Technology. The launch of this bilateral initiative was accompanied by Representatives of President Biden for International Economy and Competitiveness, Peter Harrell, and for Cybersecurity, Amit Mital, and by officials from various agencies of the North American government.

He also stressed that this strategic dialogue is a “Public-private initiative that seeks to promote an agenda of productive complementarity together with the financing of priority projects for the socially inclusive development of Argentina”. It covers the areas of Satellite Capabilities, Artificial Intelligence, Inclusion and Diversity in technology and Convergence in terms of Financing Means for Post-Pandemic Recovery, axes of an innovative 4.0 cooperation agenda between Argentina and the United States.

Beliz also held a working meeting with Biden’s Deputy Special Envoy for Climate, Jonathan Pershing, where both countries’ commitments to climate action were considered ahead of COP 26 and discussed innovative sustainable financing mechanisms that promote payment. for ecosystem services and the concept of environmental debt. At the meeting, the Argentine official recalled the importance of “promoting greater mobilization of concessional and non-reimbursable resources to developing countries, channeled through multilateral and bilateral development banks, which accompany the implementation of the environmental commitments assumed.”

Finally, Beliz met at the State Department with the American Vice Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, with whom he analyzed spaces for cooperation in technology, climate adaptation, migration and human rights, as well as reiterating the importance of advancing in sustainable agreements on external debt, which include better conditions and the possibility of a recovery with social inclusion and human development integral.

Throughout his visit, Beliz worked alongside the Argentine ambassador in Washington, Jorge Argüello, as well as the Secretary of Climate Change, Rodrigo Rodríguez Tornquist, the secretary of Public Innovation Micaela Sánchez Malcolm, the Undersecretary of Information Technology Martin Olmos, and the undersecretary of International Financial Relations, Leandro Gorgal, who also held bilateral conversations with the purpose of building the bilateral strategic dialogue.

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