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Gulbene will return to the restrictions of Covid-19, which were in force during the emergency

After eight people became ill with Covid-19 Gulbenes Tomorrow, Gulbene County Council Chairman Normunds Audzišs (ZZS) will issue an order tomorrow on safety measures to limit the spread of the disease, which will be similar to the restrictions that were in force during the state of emergency declared in the country.

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He stressed that the responsible specialists have today consulted with the epidemiologists of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC) about further action. “We have decided to take very cardinal action to prevent the disease from spreading. We will agree on specific restrictions tomorrow morning, but it is clear today that we will issue an order tomorrow that will come into force immediately with restrictions that are very similar to those that were in force. during an emergency, “said Audzišs.

He explained that the restrictions would apply to employees of all 56 municipal institutions. The residents of the county will also be informed about the issued order live. Audzišs admitted that there has been a recent decline in caution in society, so there will be strict conditions for observing a distance of two meters, a reminder of mandatory personal hygiene and visiting less frequent public places if there is no special need.

“The new school year is approaching and it is important for us to act responsibly now to prevent the spread of the disease on a larger scale, and on September 1, students could start studying in person,” said Audzišs.

According to SPKC data, by July 27, eight cases of Covid-19 were registered in Gulbene region. In accordance with Central Statistical Bureau According to the data, this year there were actually 19,771 inhabitants in Gulbene municipality.

It has already been reported that in Gulbene, the incidence of Covid-19 was first detected on July 22.

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