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Guitarist Brian May hospitalized after injuring buttocks

Queen’s guitarist Brian May, revealed that he ended up in hospital after injuring his buttocks during an incident in his garden.

“I managed to tear my Gluteus Maximus to shreds in an overly enthusiastic gardening moment”May wrote in an Instagram post on Thursday. “So suddenly I find myself in a hospital being scanned to find out exactly how much I really hurt myself. “

May, very active on social media, hadn’t published anything for several days before Thursday.

In his publication on Thursday he hastened to say that his absence was not due to a coronavirus, before saying that he had been silent because of “Too many requests” as well as his recent injury.

May did not say how he was injured, but the injury appears to be serious. “It turns out that I did a thorough job – a few days ago – and I won’t be able to walk for a while … or sleep, without a lot of help, because the pain is relentless,” he wrote, adding that he would be away from social media for a while to rest.

“Please, please don’t send me sympathy – I just need a little healing silence for a while”, he said, before saying goodbye to his fans and telling them to “Be careful there”.

May’s representatives declined to provide further details.

“We Are the Champions”

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