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“Guinness World Record: Egypt Achieves Largest Water Withdrawal Basin and Palm Farm”

Written by Muhammad Abd al-Majid and Ibrahim Hassan

Sunday, May 14, 2023 12:16 PM

Kenzi Emad El-Dafrawi, an official arbitrator accredited by the Guinness Book of Records, congratulated the Arab Republic of Egypt and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi for achieving two important steps for the Egyptian state in the Guinness Book.

Kenzi Emad Al-Dafrawi said, in her speech at the celebration of the start of the wheat harvest season in eastern Owainat and the opening of the potato production plant: “I am honored to be with you here today. I have examined your record closely and I am very pleased to say that all conditions have been complied with, all registration requirements met, and on behalf of Guinness I would like to congratulate you on your outstanding achievement.”

Kenzi Emad El-Dafrawi continued: “I officially announce the largest water withdrawal basin in the world with a total of 245 thousand cubic meters, and also announce the largest palm farm in the world with an area of ​​​​132 thousand square kilometers, congratulations, and we wish you to break more records in the near future .. Thank you all”.

Kenzi Imad Al-Dafrawi, an official arbitrator accredited by the Guinness Book of Records, handed over the certificates to each of the National Contracting Company, Major General Staff Karm Salem Muhammad, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, the National Company for Desert Lands Reclamation and Cultivation, and Major General Tawfiq Sami Tawfiq, Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors. National Reclamation and Cultivation of Desert Lands.

The Egyptian state is implementing great efforts to expand the size of the agricultural area. Especially with regard to strategic commodities such as wheat, and the total cultivated area in the East Al Owainat region is 190,000 feddans.

During the period from the end of the nineties until 2012, 80 thousand feddans were cultivated. During the period from 2014 to 2022, 110,000 feddans were cultivated, and during 2015, the company was commissioned to plant 12,000 new feddans in the Ain Dala region.

It is scheduled that the size of the reclaimed area in the East Al Owainat region will be 280,000 feddans in 2024. Where new 40 thousand feddans will be cultivated.

In order to achieve the highest benefit from the cultivated crops, especially the potato crop; A factory for half-fried and mashed potatoes was established. As a start to establish a major industrial zone in eastern Owainat.

2023-05-14 09:16:00
#largest #palm #plantation #world.. #Egyptian #achievement #recorded #Guinness #Book #Records #Seventh #Day

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