Home » today » World » Guinness World Record by swimming: sank to a depth of 662 feet in the sea; Guinness World Record holder – man swims 662 feet underwater on just one breath

Guinness World Record by swimming: sank to a depth of 662 feet in the sea; Guinness World Record holder – man swims 662 feet underwater on just one breath

The sea sank to a depth of 662 feet in a single breath Guinness World Record The young man won. The record was set by a young man named Stig Severinson. He lay in the water for two minutes and 42 seconds. The young man’s training performance was in La Paz, Mexico. They made the announcement on the Guinness Book of World Records’ social media page.

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Stig had been practicing breathing control since he was young. First Swimming He trained in the pool. According to international media reports, he said that he had conducted the exercise to convince the community of the importance of protecting the sea and wildlife.

The video of the young man’s exercise performance has gone viral on social media. Guinness World Records has shared this via their official Facebook page.

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