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Guillermo Moreno was sentenced to three years in prison for tampering with INDEC data


The Federal Oral Court No. 2 (TOF2) today sentenced the former Secretary of Commerce Guillermo Moreno to three years of conditional imprisonment and six years of disqualification from public office, considering him responsible for the manipulation of Indec data in 2006 and 2007, during the presidency of Cristina Kirchner.

In this way, the former official, who was found guilty of the crime of abuse of authority and the destruction and rendering useless of public objects, will be able to serve his sentence outside of prison for now because the sentence is conditional.

Although it carries with it two other previous convictions, one for the use of public funds to cover the cotillon with the name “Clarion lies”, and another for threats at a Papel Prensa meeting, neither of which is firm, since they did not go through the Supreme Court.

The court, composed of judges Jorge Gorini, Rodrigo Gimenez Uriburu y William Costabel, The court ordered that the prison sentence be conditional and not effective due to the amount of the punishment, which does not exceed three years. This sentence, however, brings Moreno closer to prison because, if it becomes final, it could be combined with other sentences -also not final yet- and if that sentence is not final, accumulation If the sentence were to exceed three years, the prison sentence would no longer be suspended. However, this accumulation is not necessarily the result of the mathematical sum of the sentences.

In this case, the prosecutor Diego Luciani there was The court has requested a four-year prison sentence for the former official and a 10-year ban from holding public office. The defense, on the other hand, has asked for his acquittal.

In addition to Moreno, there were three defendants. The former director of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), Beatriz Paglieri, She was sentenced to three years of suspended imprisonment and six years of disqualification from holding office and, like Moreno, she will be able to serve her sentence in freedom. The two convicted former officials will have to take up residence y submit to the supervision of a board of trustees.

Meanwhile, Marcela Filia and Maria Celeste Campora Avellaneda, Both former employees of the agency were acquitted by the court, which will announce the reasons for its verdict on September 4.

In his final argument, the former Kirchnerist official, accused of the crimes of abuse of authority, destruction of public documents and ideological falsification of a public instrument, maintained that it was an “academic” trial in which there was no evidence, ratified the methodology applied during his years as an official at the head of the agency and pointed against prosecutor Luciani, whom he ironically congratulated.

Guillermo Moreno followed his sentence via zoomCapture

“My background is in economics, but I have had some law classes. There is an old saying that goes something like facts, evidence, and law,” he began.[En la investigación] “There was no evidence. No one can say whether something is true or false if there is no evidence,” he added.

“We must acknowledge that the prosecutor’s argument was intelligent. He had no evidence. So he appealed to an academic judgment. Now, as you know, academic judgments can be made by peers, it is not the prosecutor’s power,” he said, repeating what he had said a few days ago. He was heard by the three judges, who announced their ruling after midday.

All the governments that followed ours have ratified the good performance of Indec,” he added in the final part of his speech.. “Facts, evidence and law. There was no evidence, I rule out that there will be law,” concluded Moreno, whose defense was in the hands of Graciela Peñafortwho replaced the lawyer Alejandro Rua at the hearing.

He was followed by Paglieri who also supported the methodology used by the body during his period. “The judge’s expertise [Rodolfo] Canicoba Corral indicated that the methodology was respected,” said the former director of the IPC. “I did not modify the methodology and I did not incorporate computer scientists either,” she defended herself.

Filia and Cámpora, who were later acquitted by the court, chose not to issue any final remarks.

In his accusation, prosecutor Luciani argued that the former presidential candidate in the last elections was the main person responsible for the discredit to which official statistics were subjected.The intervention altered crucial indicators such as the CPI which affected poverty measurements and these manipulations have led to widespread distrust of official statistics.. Moreno was in charge of the operation. He exerted the necessary pressure to achieve the consummation of the crimes,” he said.

After the prosecutor announced his request for a conviction at the end of June, Moreno defended himself against the accusations, claiming that there was no evidence against him, and pointed the finger at the prosecutor: “Days went by and no evidence appeared. Prosecutor Luciani was very clever: he turned the criminal trial into an academic trial. What he does is very interesting: ‘I have no proof but I have no doubts’“He makes up a story for you,” he said a few days ago on the program streaming Jelly.

On July 5, 2022, Moreno was sentenced to two years of suspended imprisonment and six months of disqualification from holding public office for the crime of coercive threats. It was based on an incident in 2010: the former secretary burst into a Papel Prensa meeting shouting.Helmet or glove? “What do you want?” Moreno asked the company’s executives defiantly, after having created a climate of hostility.

The former Secretary of Commerce accepted the court’s ruling: “I believe that the preliminary statement was clear and pertinent and my lawyer’s presentation paved the way for a wise decision by you. I have nothing to add,” he said at the time.

After the Supreme Court upheld the ruling following his appeal, Moreno filed an extraordinary appeal, which was rejected. The former secretary filed a complaint with the Supreme Court, which is studying his case.

Guillermo Moreno in a photo taken on November 19, 2013Reuters – File

In addition, the former secretary was sentenced in October 2017 to two and a half years of suspended prison and absolute and perpetual disqualification from holding public office for having used state funds to purchase merchandising against ClarionMoreno also appealed the ruling, but the Court of Cassation rejected the extraordinary appeal. He then filed a complaint that the Supreme Court has had in its hands for two years.

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