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Guide on Universal Accessibility in Horizontal Property

The publication deals with universal accessibility and horizontal property so that all people with disabilities know their rights in any situation in their community.

The “Guide on universal accessibility and horizontal property”Has been prepared, edited and published by In the association, Coordinating Federation of People with Physical Disabilities of Gipuzkoa.

What is the purpose of the guide on universal accessibility?

The goal of the guide is that the People with disabilities know their rights in the face of any accessibility need in the field of horizontal property (for example, to put an elevator, install a ramp, lower access to the portal to zero level, etc.). They also receive information through the universal accessibility guide mushroom to find out the ways to address their rights in their respective community of neighbors, or to claim it, where appropriate, through the courts.

The scope of the universal accessibility It is an area where doubts, difficulties or conflicts arise between neighbors. That is why it is important to provide guidance on how to make decisions, what can be required, what legal obligations exist, how to approach any work or reform for accessibility in the common elements of a shared property: main door, entrance, stairs, under stairs, landings, elevators, roofs, facades, gardens or interior spaces, etc.

This Guide aims to clarify all these concepts and provide clarity on these issues, being a useful tool for everyone to whom it is addressed:

  • People with disabilities.
  • The entities and services in which support or guidance is provided to people with disabilities: Third Social Sector, basic social services, etc.
  • The neighboring communities.
  • The entities or people that provide services in the management and administration of farms or communities of owners.
  • Judges, prosecutors and lawyers who intervene in procedures related to these issues.
  • The institutions that have the obligation to guarantee the conditions of universal accessibility and the right to decent, adequate and accessible housing (Areas or Departments of Housing, Building or Urban Planning of Town Halls, Provincial Councils or the Basque Government).

The entity hopes that this Guide will also contribute to advancing the universal accessibility of homes and buildings that “we have been claiming from Elkartean, as an essential condition to live independently and fully participate in all aspects of life.”

The Guide can be downloaded and consulted on the website of In the association and on the websites of the territorial entities By doing , meet and Fekoor.

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