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Guerric Jehanno Retrial: Latest Updates on the Disappearance of Amandine Estrabaud

Guerric Jehanno, the main suspect in the disappearance of Amandine Estrabaud will be retried before the Assises de Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne) from January 22 to 26, 2024. The man has already been sentenced twice to 30 years’ imprisonment .

It’s a never-ending affair. Ten years after the disappearance of Amandine Estrabaud in the Tarn, the judicial component is still not closed. Guerric Jehanno, the main suspect will be retried a third time. His trial will be held from January 22 to 26, 2024 before the Assizes of Montauban in Tarn-et-Garonne.

The now 35-year-old man has already been condemned twice by justice to 30 years of criminal imprisonment. The Court of Cassation overturned the decision of the Toulouse Court of Appeal last November for procedural flaws.

The man is accused of having killed Amandine Estrabaud, near Castres (Tarn) in 2013. The body of the young woman has never been found.

During his two trials for the kidnapping, kidnapping, rape and murder of the young woman in Roquecourbe in the Tarn, this former mason had never ceased to proclaim his innocence.

In this case, there is no confession, no body. Amandine Estrabaud, 30, disappeared after leaving Castres high school where she worked as a supervisor. Guerric Jehanno knew the victim for whom he had shown an attraction for several years. The man has always denied his involvement in the disappearance of Amandine.

In his indictment during the appeal trial in November 2021, the Advocate General had nevertheless detailed “the bundle of concordant clues that forge an intimate conviction”.

Elements reminiscent of the Delphine Jubillar affair. The two cases have many similarities.

The two thirty-somethings disappeared in the Tarn, about thirty kilometers from each other and seven years apart. Their bodies were never found. The investigations did not bring to light any real material evidence. And the two prime suspects never confessed.

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