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Guénange and Thionville | Coronavirus. Theras santé: 75 residents and half of the positive employees

The Theras santé association in Thionville, which manages three nursing homes (two in Thionville, one in Guénange) is now on the razor’s edge. The Covid-19 , who had miraculously spared the accommodation facilities in the spring, this time returned to Les Glycines (Guénange) and Saint-Pierre (Thionville). In significant proportions.

44 positive residents, 6 deaths

In Guénange, the Glycines nursing home has been living in isolation since October 30, after an employee tested positive. In the process, the entire establishment is subject to tests PCR. They reveal three other infected employees and 22 cases of elderly people affected by the virus. Most are asymptomatic; others have a little fever, diarrhea… but never severe respiratory distress.

The residents are then all isolated in their rooms. Visits with families interrupted. The staff deliver the meals and change their protective gear each time. A whole organization is being put in place but the virus is still circulating.

On November 2, new tests this time revealed 45 positive elderly people (out of 63) as well as 14 employees. The latter are invited to stay at home, forcing the establishment to manage with half the staff. A situation “relatively worrying”, recognizes the director of Theras health despite the help provided by the cabinet of liberal nurses and the recruitment at short notice of CDD.

While most of those affected have mild forms of the disease, six deaths have still been reported since the start of the month. Five took place at the nursing home, one at the hospital where the person had been admitted. To date, eight employees have returned to work after a period of isolation. There are still six missing. Only the establishment’s Alzheimer’s unit was spared by the epidemic.

About thirty people affected in Thionville

In Thionville, one of the two buildings of the Saint-Pierre nursing home experiences almost the same fate. About 30 out of 70 residents tested positive earlier this month. Half of the staff are also affected and have been placed in solitary confinement. At least four deaths are attributable to Covid-19.

“Less violent but more contagious”

At Theras health management, we admit that the situation is “acute”. For residents, confined in their rooms and whose morale begins to falter; also for families who are worried despite regular newsletters.

“There are also the psychological repercussions on our staff. Some are starting to blame it. We set up support groups last week; we are trying to set up a listening cell with the regional health agency. Our problem is the lack of human resources ”, enumerates the director, overtaken by the dazzling nature of this second wave.

” I notice that the virus is less violent but clearly more contagious than in spring. This rapidity of propagation surprised us, ”continues the manager. He is anxiously awaiting the date of November 25 when all the residents and staff of the three nursing homes managed by Theras santé will be tested again.

Paradoxically, the benevolence of spring has disappeared. “Families no longer forgive us; everyone has curled up on their problems ”.

The reconfinement is exacerbating tensions on all sides.

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