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Guardsmen become royals

From the Magdeburg Virgin Guards to the Bundesliga to the Potsdam Royals: this is the step dared by the talents Oskar Rüegg and Niklas Stelzig.

Magdeburg (vs) l Despite lockdowns, Niklas Stelzig and Oskar Rüegg had a lot to do in the past few weeks. The two talents are currently keeping fit with individual training, after all they have big plans this year: With the Potsdam Royals, they want to attack in the German Football League (GFL), the German Bundesliga.

In the current circumstances, a lot of initiative is required to prepare for this. “Three times strength, twice speed and agility,” says Stelzig of his weekly training plan. In addition to preparing for his Abitur, he takes up almost every free second. But Stelzig says: “I know what I’m doing this for.” To play in the highest German league.

In September last year, he was able to convince in a trial training at the Potsdam Royals. It has been clear since October that his next step will lead to the GFL team. “This is an extremely great opportunity for me,” says the ambitious Stelzig. “I want to keep improving and for this I get the very best conditions in Potsdam.”

Big differences between guards and royals

The differences to the Virgin Guards are huge. “With the Royals everything was more professional,” says Stelzig. Larger coaching staff, many international and US players, a more structured environment. While the Magdeburg team are competing in the third-class Regionalliga Ost, the team from the Brandenburg capital celebrated international titles in 2018 and 2019 with Eurobowl victories.

Stelzig is not worried that the jump from the regional league’s offspring to the GFL could be too big. “I see a lot more opportunities to develop myself,” he says. The young running back does not resist the greater competition with American import players, a more complex game system and the higher load. “But I know that it will be a change.”

Stelzig has to get used to the new system

After all, Stelzig was a target player in the offspring of the Virgin Guards, had the best conditions in the running system and with numerous touchdowns a large share in winning two championship titles in the youth league east. In the Potsdam offensive, the 19-year-old will have to wait in line for the time being after moving in June.

His old and new team-mate Oskar Rüegg already knows this principle from last year. The 19-year-old defensive player joined the Royals after graduating from high school for the 2020 season, but still has to wait for his debut due to the corona pandemic and the therefore canceled preseason.

“I am in good spirits that we will train again in April and then be able to play again this year,” said Rüegg confidently. The differences between Magdeburg and Potsdam, between youngsters and men, he was able to see in the training units despite the failed season. “It’s much more physical,” he reports.

Rüegg has already arrived in Potsdam

“In the youth of the Virgin Guards, I always felt like the biggest and heaviest player,” says the 1.84-meter giant, who throws around 125 kilograms of “fighting weight” into the duels. “In Potsdam, on the other hand, everyone is bigger, more experienced and they have a different pace.” But Rüegg is certain: “The transition went well.”

Also because he deals a lot with the profound, tactical components of sport in his free time. Rüegg, who is currently completing a free social year with the Royals and lives in a shared flat for players in Potsdam, is now passing on his knowledge to the youth himself and is a youth coach in the club. “I really enjoy imparting knowledge,” he says and adds: “I would like to start a teacher training course in the winter semester.”

Until then, Rüegg, who finally got to American football through field hockey and basketball at the age of 16, hopes that he will be able to prove himself in his first Bundesliga games. “I am a competitive person, I want to show what I can do and keep getting better,” he says, almost in agreement with Stelzig.

USA and Canada as next destinations

That is why neither of them see each other in the GFL at the end of their sporting dreams. “My goal is to recommend myself to the Royals for a chance in the USA,” says Stelzig. Rüegg also likes to take the next step overseas: “The Canadian football league CFL is doing more frequent sighting training in Germany. I would like to take part and measure myself against the competition. “

The two 19-year-olds also agree that their farewells from Magdeburg were not decisions against the guard, but for the next step. “I am very grateful to the Virgin Guards that they made me love the sport and that I was able to enjoy a great education there,” says Stelzig. Rüegg adds: “From the first day I felt very comfortable in the club, made many good friends and got to know a completely new team spirit.”

So no obstacles were put in the way of the club’s changes, there were only congratulations. “Both of them are a real asset to any team, both athletically and personally,” says Virgin Guards head coach Harald Voelkel. “They show a very good attitude on the pitch and are always ready to work on themselves,” he praises and is therefore certain: “They will develop individually and go their own way. Everyone keeps their fingers crossed for them that their sporting dreams will come true. “

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