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Guards 22 protesters # mob, February 28, police commissioner, Phor. 1, cardiac arrest police, 1 death

Supervise 22 mob protesters on February 28, police commissioner examination, Phor. 1 Found to be wrong Emergency Decree – Disease Control Act While the latest hit is 33 people, one police officer has died.

Lt. Col. Piya Tawichai, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police (Deputy Chief Executive Officer), disclosed to the Bureaunews I.N.N. That the police have now cured the assembled protesters Victory Monument area Before moving in order to head to 1st Infantry Regiment Guards (# mob, February 28) of 22 people placed at the Border Patrol Police Division 1.

As for the prosecution, it was found that it was considered an offense. Emergency Decree, Disease Control Act, waste property The prosecution will be divided into separate sections. Preliminary details are expected to be made to the media again today. At the Metropolitan Police Headquarters

While the Erawan Center summarized the information of the sick in the rally at the 1st Infantry Regiment, waiting for 28 Feb. 2 veterans hospital), 7 Ratchawithi Hospital (1 officer died), 2 Ramathibodi Hospital, Rama IX Hospital 1 case, Chulalongkorn Hospital 1 case

In addition, it was reported that a police officer was found dead while on duty, namely Lieutenant Colonel Wiwat, of the Dharamshala Police Station, in charge of crowd control. Cardiac arrest Was taken to an ambulance and taken to Rajavithi Hospital Doctors tried to save lives by performing CPR, but it did not work. The real cause is pending an autopsy from a forensic doctor.

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