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Guardiola’s City key to sign Messi for five years


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The future of Leo messi still unclear. The only thing that seems definitive is that it will not continue in the FC Barcelona after this Tuesday, and unleashing a whole media bomb on the planet, he sent a burofax to the Catalan club asking for the freedom letter. The Argentine wants to decide where to play next year and has several destinations on the table.

Go to A league by the hand of Inter de Milan It was one of the options that had taken the most strength in recent days. Mainly for the work of Steven Zhang, Chinese president of the entity. The leader was working on two fronts: seeking financial backing and the support of the Asian government to achieve the operation. However, the interest of Leo Messi is not so much in Italy, but in the Premier League.

He Manchester City It has overtaken the Italians and has positioned itself as the club with the most options to gain Messi’s services. It has economic potential and the petrodollars they have given to Pep Guardiola during the last seasons they have made it possible to incorporate the Argentine star. In addition, it has faces like Omen The Begiristain, which the player knows perfectly and that paves the way for his signing.

As if that were not enough, the British entity has in mind to offer much more to Messi. Not just playing the Premier, but being able to say goodbye to football gradually and with a perfect life in North America. The Major League Soccer, booming and with several known signings in recent years, is the icing on the cake citizen.

Pep Guardiola, during Manchester City – Real Madrid of the Champions League


City offer

The English club not only has the advantage of having in its ranks those familiar faces of Leo Messi, it is also drawing up a special contract to be able to avoid problems that could arise with him Financial Fair Play. And, the idea of ​​the entity is to have the attacker in the Etihad for a few seasons and subsequently give him a gold withdrawal in U.S.

Manchester City’s contract is for five years. Messi would be three of those first seasons playing in the Premier League and, later, he would go to the American soccer league to wear the colors of the New York City. Both entities share an owner, so there would be no problem.

Currently Messi is 33 years old, so he could retire at 37 or 38, extending his career just enough and saying goodbye to the elite along with Pep Guardiola in the Premier League. His last two seasons would be in Major League Soccer, a competition that other important players have already attended, such as David Villa. The Spanish did not retire there, but his goal was always a good life on a personal level and without separating from football.

With this division, Manchester City would flee from any conflict with the Financial Fair Play and that already caused the intervention of the TAS in recent months. The club would pay less, because the first season in the Premier the attacker would have a salary figure that, little by little, would rise.

Lampard playing an MLS game

Lampard playing an MLS game


Messi in New York

It is not the first time that Messi has been presented with the option of going to the United States. The Los Angeles Galaxy already tested his incorporation in February. Even Beckham, who has a club in the competition, showed his intention to add the Argentine star to his squad. “We have always said that if we have the opportunity to sign great players from Europe to this city we will.”

Messi, accepting Manchester City’s proposal, would play his last two contract seasons in MLS. A competition that would allow you to show off and that would not require physical wear as is customary in Europe. Family stability would not be affected and his contract, at the salary level, would continue to grow from the first season.

In short, a perfect retreat. On an economic level, his expectations would be fulfilled. At a family level, it could settle without problems in one of the best cities in the world. And, at the sporting level, Messi would keep the option of leading a team and even a competition.

[Más información – Por qué Bartomeu no dimite tras el ‘caso Messi’: miedo a tener que avalar las pérdidas del Barça]

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