Tragedy in the late evening of Sunday April 16, 2023 a Guidonia Montecelioin the province of Rome, where a 54-year-old man was found dead in his car. The man, a soldier of the Guardia di Finanza, was found dead inside the car by the police called to intervene after some reports.
Financier dead in Guidonia, what happened
The body of the 54-year-old man was found around 10pm on Sunday 16 April near Via Caio Cestio, country road close to the center of Guidonia and not very far from the man’s home. The discovery took place during a check by the police and the Guardia di Finanza who had been alerted by some residents.
According to local newspapers, in fact, some citizens had called the police after hearing some gunshots. Arriving at the scene, the military found the body of the 54-year-old. Immediate help also from 118, but on their arrival theman was pronounced dead.
The suicide trail
Once on the spot, as mentioned, the rescuers could not help but ascertain the death of the 54-year-old. Wounds compatible with gunshots were found on his body, probably the financier’s service pistol which was inside the passenger compartment of the car.
For this reason the most popular hypothesis is that of suicide. There The road was closed to traffic to allow officers to investigate the case and remove the financier’s body which was placed at the disposal of the Tivoli prosecutor’s office.
On the case the Tivoli police station investigates, even if the suicide trail would be taken for granted. The man, however, does not seem to have left any farewell message or explanation of any gesture.
The tragedy and the illness of the wife
The 54-year-old’s wife also arrived at the scene immediately. According to local media reports, the woman allegedly fell ill and was rescued by health personnel.
In fact, there was so much pain and sorrow for the woman who, when she arrived on the spot, discovered her husband’s tragic end and felt ill. According to reports, the man was the father of two children. The news shook the community of Guidonia, where the financier was well known.
Photo source: Ansa
2023-04-17 15:10:00
#GdF #soldier #died #Guidonia #body #car #years #illness #wife #discovery