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Guarantees can be expensive!

You don’t lend money and women. And if a friend borrows money elsewhere, you shouldn’t vouch for it, because that can be expensive!

The following situation is not so unlikely: Your friend has made his master as a hairdresser and now wants to open his own salon as soon as possible. He has already found great rooms in the pedestrian zone whose monthly rent, with a little luck, would also be affordable for him as a young professional. Now all he needs is some start-up capital to set up the salon and for some advertising. At the bank he asked for a loan and they promised him a nice sum, if … yes, if someone for the loan guarantee would. That is why he comes to you.

He tries to persuade you that it is a purely formal matter, the idea with the salon is guaranteed to be a success, hair is always cut and the bank would not give him the loan if they did not believe in his business idea.

And you? You may not even be clear about what a surety is all about. On the one hand, this sounds strange to you, on the other hand, you don’t want to let your boyfriend down. To make your decision a little easier, here are a few enlightening words:

Many banks only award one then Creditif there is a guarantee. A guarantee is not a small favor, but a tough contract. You commit yourself with all your belongings to take over the debts of the other, if the other person should at some point no longer be able to pay. And most of the time, the guarantee contracts are designed in such a way that the bank can knock on your door immediately and does not even have to laboriously try to get the money from the borrower. This also applies in the event that several people have vouched for themselves: In this case, everyone is a guarantor in a joint and several manner Committed, in other words: the debts are not divided, but the bank can get the money from where it gets it the quickest.

If the friendship breaks up beforehand, you usually have no chance of canceling the guarantee together with the friendship. So once signed means: Even if the friendship works – the guarantee remains! Even if you can quit, you will have to pay the debt that is in place at the time.

Guarantees and rent

Guarantees are sometimes required in lieu of a deposit for rent payments. So whoever vouches for it has to pay the rent if there are financial difficulties.

Our advice is: Avoid entering into a guarantee and not signing. If so, then only if you can and really want to raise the corresponding amount in an emergency. And then you should make sure that you only guarantee up to a certain amount – this must then be stated in the contract. Otherwise, also and especially here: Money spoils friendship …

Those: Checked4you
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