Home » today » Business » Guangzhou also has “ultra-long loans”. The maximum age limit for mortgage borrowers can reach 85 years old_Sina Finance_Sina

Guangzhou also has “ultra-long loans”. The maximum age limit for mortgage borrowers can reach 85 years old_Sina Finance_Sina

Original Title: Exclusive!Guangzhou also has “ultra-long loans”. The maximum number of mortgage borrowers can reach 85 years old

  21st Century Business Herald reporter Ye Maisui reported in GuangzhouThe “super long loan” family has added a new member, and the maximum age limit for mortgage borrowers in Guangzhou has been relaxed to 85 years old. Today’s 21st Century Business Herald reporter learned from various sources that the maximum age limit for housing loans in a major bank in Guangzhou has been extended to 85 years old. However, compared with ordinary relay loans, the borrower in Guangzhou must be a main body, and direct children can only be used as guarantees. , not the borrower. In addition, the speed of lending has also been greatly improved, shortened from the previous 3 to 6 months to less than 1 month, and some loans can be issued quickly in about 1 to 2 weeks.

Borrower Age Relaxation

News of the “Centenary Loan” in Nanning, Guangxi immediately stirred up thousands of layers. On February 16, a marketing poster of Guangxi Nanning Jianfa Real Estate’s “Century-year-old Loan” hit the social network. Although the developer quickly removed the promotional poster, and many local banks involved also refuted the news, the topic still attracted great attention from the society, and was ridiculed by many netizens as “passing on the loan”.

Although the “100-year-old loan” will eventually come to nothing, it is an indisputable fact that banks in many places have relaxed the age limit for mortgage borrowers. Recently, some big banks in Guangzhou area have relaxed the age limit of borrowers to 85 years old.

Zheng Dayuan, general manager of Dayuan Mortgage, said in an interview with a reporter from the 21st Century Business Herald: “Nanning has launched a housing loan policy that allows loans up to the age of 100. Since there is a regulation that the age of the borrower must not exceed 70 years, there is also a regulation that the loan period shall not exceed 30 years. Therefore, this You can borrow up to 100 years old, and the borrower can be two subjects. Guangzhou relay loan has not been relaxed for the time being, but there are similar ones, the maximum age can be up to 85 years old, and the borrower is one subject (the immediate children are the guarantee, not the borrower). “

The reason for this situation is that Zheng Dayuan believes that before the state’s regulation on real estate was in a state of tightening policies, the amount of loans allowed would be reduced, and bank operations would become stricter. Now that the state’s policies are loosening, under this premise, banks will increase For real estate-related loan quotas, banks have made some innovations in order to allow more people to meet the loan standards.

According to the reporter’s understanding, the implementation standard in the Guangzhou market is mostly that the sum of the borrower’s “age + loan period” does not exceed 75 years. In addition, some banks in Guangzhou have different mortgage ages. Among them, the age of the personal housing mortgage loan borrower of China Guangfa Bank Guangzhou Branch is 18 (inclusive) to 65 (inclusive), and the sum of the housing mortgage loan period and the age of the borrower (or co-borrower) shall not exceed 70 years in principle.Ping An BankThe applicants for housing loans in Guangzhou Branch are between 18 and 70 years old, and the “loan period + building age” shall not exceed 50 years, and the longest loan period shall not exceed 30 years.CITIC BankFor Guangzhou Branch, the sum of “age of borrower + loan term” shall not exceed 80 years. Hengfeng Bank also stated that the loan term only refers to the loan period of the main borrower. If the main borrower’s income is unstable, young children can only serve as guarantees if they want to be co-lenders, and cannot increase the repayment period.

Guangdong Bank of China stated that in order to meet the housing loan needs of customers of different age groups, the bank formulated the policy of borrower age plus loan period according to customer conditions. The maximum period of personal housing loans is still 30 years and has not been changed.

The speed of lending has been greatly improved

Regarding the phenomenon of “ultra-long loans”, Yan Yuejin, research director of Shanghai E-House Research Institute, believes that it is not entirely a bad thing. Objectively, such policies have a certain burden-reducing effect, which can reduce the burden of buying houses for middle-aged people. When the mortgage age is extended to 80 years old, it is easier for middle-aged people aged 40 to 59 to increase the loan period by 10 years, which can reduce the monthly payment pressure. Just because such loans are easily linked to relay loans, all localities are required to treat such credit products with caution.

Banks relax the age limit for mortgages, and some people are worried about the risks of banks: if the mortgage is not repaid and the lender has passed away, how to deal with the unpaid mortgage? The reporter learned that there is no need to worry about this type of risk.multiple bank tables

The relevant person in charge of the Guangzhou branch of a certain branch told reporters that as the wave of “early loan repayment” started at the end of 2022 continues to this day, it has brought a certain degree of pressure to all banks. Therefore, in order to fill the “vacancy” of repaying loans in advance, all the banks have tried their best to win more loan customers.

It is reported that in addition to Guangzhou, banks in Beijing and Shanghai have also relaxed the age of borrowers. It is reported that some banks in the Beijing area have relaxed the “age + term” of borrowers to 80-85 years old, and many banks have admitted that they can apply for “relay loans”. Buying a house with parents’ qualifications to buy a house, with parents as the main borrower and children Share loan repayment responsibilities as co-borrowers. Shanghai can also relax the maximum age of 80 for senior home buyers with repayment ability, but there are few cases.

In addition to relaxing the age of borrowers, the speed of lending in Guangzhou has also increased significantly. Previously, the waiting time of 3 to 6 months has disappeared. Now it is generally within 1 month, and some fast banks can do it within 1 to 2 weeks. The payment can be made. The conditions are also looser than before. For example, a large bank said, “If the down payment is more than 50%, there is no billing; the loan amount is less than 6 million, no billing; high-quality customers are free, such as civil servants, public institutions, and Fortune 500 companies. Income proof is not enough , which can be superimposed on the lease contract/part-time income certificate; the income certificate can be replaced by the provident fund, social security, taxation and other inquiry records; students over 18 years old buy a house, the minimum down payment is 30%! Parents guarantee, children do not need to provide bank statements; if the above conditions are not met, deposit 30% of the loan amount into financial assets, free of bank flow.”

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance APP

Editor in charge: Li Linlin

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