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“GTST’s Merel takes a firm stance on her unexpected pregnancy”

After Merel’s (Sophie Bouquet) positive pregnancy test, it appears in Monday’s episode that she is firm about the pregnancy and her future. She doesn’t want to keep the baby. “I have already made an appointment”, she informs sister Demi (Noa Zwan) and brother Steef (Tommy van Lent), who are the only ones who know about her pregnancy. “What, for an abortion?” asks a surprised Demi. “Yes”, Merel replies curtly.

Demi hisses that Merel “can’t make such a big decision on her own.” “Yes, it’s not that big yet,” Merel replies. “It’s nothing yet. It’s a clump of cells and it’s my body and my choice and mine alone.”

Steef also joins the discussion. “You are very easy about it. Soon you will regret.” To which Demi, who is a teenage mother herself, adds: “What would you have thought if I had decided on my own to take my child away?”

Merel sticks to her point of view and does not seem to be planning to inform her parents. “Guys, I’m not going to bother them with this because I already know what I want.” Demi can’t bear to keep this a secret from their parents. “If you don’t tell them, I’ll tell them.”

Merel is pregnant with Stefano Sanders (Bas Muijs). A romance that causes a stir because of the large age difference. This is how Sophie Bouquet responds to those critical reactions.

Shows how sensitive this subject is the fuss about the candid column by Lize Korpershoek well. In Flair reveals the presenter, documentary maker and girlfriend of Tim Hofman that she had an abortion. “As numbing fluid flows into my veins through an IV, I apologize in my mind to the clump of cells in my uterus. ‘Sorry, I’m not ready for you, I will be someday, but not yet,'” she writes. the column.

Maxime Meiland and Yvonne Coldeweijer, among others, criticize Lize’s column. For example, according to Yvonne, she would speak about abortion ‘as if it were a fashion phenomenon’.

GTST can be seen from Monday to Thursday on RTL 4 and can be viewed ahead at Videoland.

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