Home » Health » Gruissan. Seven annual blood drives organized by Gruis’sang

Gruissan. Seven annual blood drives organized by Gruis’sang

The association of voluntary blood donors is not letting up its action despite the summer. And it’s working!

Since 1953, the year it was founded, Gruis’sang has organized blood drives on Wednesdays in March, June, September, December and three in the summer, especially aimed at vacationers since they make up around 80% of these events, with the collection at the beginning of August being the largest of the year. The French Blood Establishment (EFS), which is part of the organization, sends additional staff on this occasion because there are many vacationers who cannot donate the rest of the year: there are around 60 donors per collection.

A good organization

These collections require good organisation and the president of Gruis’sang, Lionel Borne, who joined the association in 2003 as treasurer and took over the presidency in 2008, confirms: “There are 15 volunteers who work in the association. They welcome donors and guide them, because you first have to fill out a medical form, then go to the interview, before giving blood. Then, there is a snack and we wait 10 minutes to see if everything is okay before leaving.” He emphasizes: “We have very good relations with the municipality which provides us with the hall. Every year, we offer the calendar to the mayor during a ceremony at the town hall.”

Raising awareness among children

To raise awareness among children about blood donation, Gruis’sang organizes an information session at the primary school once a year and next year during the March collection, children will be invited to come and learn about blood donation. This will exceptionally take place on Tuesday to allow schoolchildren to attend the collection. The president specifies that children are asked to make drawings: the best ones are selected and put on the association’s calendar. Messages are also suggested by the students, like the last one that was put on the calendar: “Donating blood is something great, because by giving your blood you can help people or save lives. Come on, from the age of 18, donate blood. Thank you”The president recalls that a stele was erected in front of the congress center to honor the first blood donors of Gruis’sang and the creator of the association.

A satisfactory assessment

The results of the summer collections were satisfactory with 69 donors on July 24, including 40 vacationers and 59 bags of blood collected; then, on August 7, 69 donors including 44 vacationers and 65 bags of blood; and on August 21, 64 donors including 41 vacationers and 56 bags of blood.

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