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Grūbe reveals details of his personal life

Actor Dainis Grūbe, visiting the channel STV first! on the show “When They Meet”, openly told about his family life.

D. Grūbe does not hide that he was a “bad guy” before the children were born, and his wife Marija also met him. However, the birth of a daughter changed the actor and it was because of the children that he quit smoking.

He discovers that he has met Maria in the club “Piens”, where they were introduced by a mutual friend.

“Extremely beautiful, smart, intelligent, with a very good sense of humor. Wonderful taste,” says D. Grūbe about what has attracted him to his wife.

The actor started talking about the wedding with his wife after six months of acquaintance, but the excitement was already heard on the third date, when there was only a keychain at hand, which successfully performed the function of a ring.

The actor also reveals that he is actually very romantic, but does not show it externally.

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