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Growth in Municipal Library Users and Loans Surpasses 20% in Almería City Council’s Network

Users of Municipal Libraries grow by more than 20% and almost 30,000 loans will be made in 2023

The network of Municipal Libraries of the Almería City Council has experienced more than notable growth in its data throughout the past year 2023. This is clear from the balance carried out by the technicians of the Culture, Traditions and Major Festivals Area of ​​the Almería City Council, which indicate, for example, an increase of more than 20% in the total number of users, since there have been 3,286 registrations throughout 2023, leaving the final figure at 13,719 (11,357 adults, 2,312 children and 50 groups). These users are distributed as follows: 4,092 from the José María Artero Central Library, 2,914 from Cabo de Gata, 2,508 from El Alquián, 1,847 in La Chanca and 2,358 in Los Ángeles.

Furthermore, the number of visitors is also very positive, who are those people who come to the library to use any of its services or participate in any of its activities: study of one’s own books or notes, consultation of the library’s works, consultation of catalogues, loans, information, cultural activities, etc. This figure rises to 368,939, with the majority of visits concentrated in the Central, while the other four together accumulate almost 15,000 visitors. It represents 63,900 more than in 2022.

The Councilor for Culture, Diego Cruz, makes a “very positive assessment of these data, which allow us to resume the path of growth of our Municipal Libraries, after that logical decline that occurred in 2020 and 2021 due to the health restrictions due to the pandemic. 2023 has also been a year in which more than 3,200 new copies have also been acquired (the total is 94,732) and up to 261 own activities have been carried out, 51 for adults and 210 for children, which means that, in addition to a container of knowledge and cultural resources for citizens, it is also a place of meeting and participation.”

The balance sheet offers other very significant data. For example, a total of 29,523 loans have been made, divided into 26,849 books, 323 records, 1,553 films and 798 electronic resources. To this we must add the 9,160 loans made through the Indaloteka app, which has almost 6,000 titles and which has increased with 447 new registrations. This year 3,022 people used the computers in municipal libraries during the last two months of the year, doubling the records of 2022.

2024-01-31 19:07:35
#Users #Municipal #Libraries #grow #loans #Almería #City #Council

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