Home » today » News » Group of taxi drivers beat and abuse gay couple in Oaxaca – Televisa

Group of taxi drivers beat and abuse gay couple in Oaxaca – Televisa

Two young people from the LGBT community were attacked by a group of taxi drivers when leaving a party in Oaxaca. The couple reported that they almost died lynched for the simple fact of being gay.

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According to the testimonies collected by Homosexual, the two victims and two other friends had attended a party on the night of January 20 in the Oaxaca capital.

Upon leaving the event, the four young men took a taxi, but when they had already boarded the unit, the driver he accused them of robbery. Said Xavier, one of the assaulted:

“The taxi driver told my friend:‘ Leave what you got. ” He was surprised and asked what he was talking about. The taxi driver could not find a five-peso coin, but then he found it and apologized. ”

The young people chose to get off the taxi to avoid more problems, but the driver of the unit also got out and yelled at them homophobic insults.

Although they did their best to ignore the verbal aggressions, the taxi driver called other classmates and accused his passengers of robbing him.

When they saw that there was already a hostile group of taxi drivers around them, two of the friends undertook the escape, but Xavier and her boyfriend were cornered.

The attackers proceeded to beat them for what they allegedly did. The taxi driver yelled at the neighbors in the area to join the beating.

In addition to the brutal blows they gave them on the street, the couple went stripped of their belongings and humiliated. The victim told how the attack went:

“They grabbed my boyfriend, undressed him and beat him. They took me with the taxi driver, took out a tube and started hitting me. ”

The couple survived the lynching attempt and went to the police to report the facts. “I demand justice, this cannot be so,” Xavier said. “Hopefully this doesn’t happen to anyone else.”

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