A week ago, Grounded was released for both PlayStation 5 and Switch, becoming the third game from Microsoft to be released for competitive formats. The previous two were Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush, which can be considered smaller titles, while Grounded is more challenging, and Digital Foundry has now looked into how the game work on Nintendo and Sony hardware – and he’s not impressed.
The poorer performance of the game on the Switch is perhaps not surprising given how weak the console is, and the resolution is dynamic and between 360p-720p. In addition, many graphic details and effects have been removed, such as depth of field, light rods and more. However, Grounded on Switch can’t run at 30 frames per second, and often lags significantly.
However, the PlayStation in terms of hardware is very similar to the Xbox Series X, so it is surprising that so much has been given for this news. For example, the PlayStation 5 version runs between 1080p-1215p compared to the much higher 1512p-4K on the Xbox Series X. It’s also worth noting that the frame rate on the PlayStation 5 is often a ‘ drop to 50 frames per second compared to a constant 60. on the Xbox Series X, as well as problems with aliasing. A small consolation, however, is that the shadows are better on the PlayStation 5.
Check out the full breakdown below, and hopefully Obsidian can sort this out so that this unique survival game can reach its full potential, something that everyone can enjoy. benefit from it, as a larger community is good for both PC and Xbox.
2024-04-23 20:35:49
#Grounded #major #performance #issues #PlayStation #Switch