Home » today » Entertainment » Groundbreaking Television Event: Exclusive Interview with Anime Character Eren Jaeger to Air Before Shingeki no Kyojin Series Finale

Groundbreaking Television Event: Exclusive Interview with Anime Character Eren Jaeger to Air Before Shingeki no Kyojin Series Finale

For the first time in history, an interview will be conducted with an anime character, which will be broadcast on television

In Japan will be carried out interview al protagonista de Shingeki no Kyojin, Eren Jaegerprior to series finale which will arrive very soon.

Shingeki no Kyojin is one of the most anticipated animes by fans. fans of this genre, what they carry several years following this amazing series. A few weeks ago it was confirmed that the final part from Shingeki will arrive on November 4th this year and surely will blow up the internetespecially with this latest announcement about Eren.

The chain NHKfrom Japanese television, announced that a interview to the main character of the series, being an unpublished fact never seen before.


This interview will take place on October 23 in public television under the name of ‘Professional Work Style’. This will aim to discover more of the Eren Jaeger personalityin addition to revealing to us their biggest secrets.

Through this interview could be known in a better way reasons of the character, there is also talk that we could have some advancement of what will come in the series finale which is announced for November 4th.

Never before had it been seen that a fictional character, in this case an anime one. There is still the duda how this character could give an interview, but it is thought that this interview is already it would be prerecorded or that a type of Artificial Intelligence would be being used.

2023-10-11 02:13:54
#Japanese #television #interview #Eren #Jaeger

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