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Groningen security region is investigating closure of Ter Apel application center

That is what sources say to the political editors of RTL Nieuws. In the Security Council, the chairmen of the various security regions now discuss the asylum crisis with the cabinet on a weekly basis.

The Groningen security region has been investigating a closure since this week due to the seriousness of the situation in the overcrowded registration center. The research mainly focuses on what is legally possible and who is allowed to make such a decision.

‘Situation goes beyond all limits’

The spokesperson for Mayor Koen Schuiling, Hans Coenraads, said in a response that the Security Region is indeed investigating the legal possibilities of a closure. “That happens because of the situation that we have seen in front of the gate of the application center in recent days. Dozens of people spent the night there. We don’t want that anymore.”

“Fortunately, things are going a little better now because people have left for the crisis emergency shelter partly because of the rain. The measure is therefore not urgent. But the situation of recent times is going beyond all limits. It will always be a temporary closure and the registration process will have to continue, which is why we are also investigating what such a closure will look like.”

The application center in Ter Apel is overcrowded. Due to lack of space, people regularly had to sleep outside on chairs and in tents in recent weeks.

It is not the first time that regional administrators have threatened to close the center. Mayor Schuiling also sounded the alarm in March of this year. The overcrowded registration center posed a threat to public health due to the corona pandemic. Schuiling then said he was considering a temporary closure. In the end, that didn’t happen.

Flow stops

The application center has room for 2000 asylum seekers. Asylum seekers should actually move from Ter Apel to asylum seekers centers throughout the country, but that is not possible because they are also full. This is because status holders with a residence permit cannot obtain accommodation and are forced to stay in the asylum seekers’ centres.

The cabinet has declared the problems in asylum reception a crisis. Responsible State Secretary Eric van der Burg previously expressed his concerns about the situation in Ter Apel. He is busy in consultation with various ministers and the mayors of the security regions to ensure that there are more reception options.

Cruise ships

For example, three cruise ships are currently en route to the Netherlands that are used to receive asylum seekers. One of the ships will be berthed in Velsen-Noord. It is not yet known where the others will anchor.

A location for another registration center is also being sought.

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