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GroenLinks: health insurance premium to 10 euros per month, tax up

GroenLinks party chairman Jesse Klaver.Image ANP

That is one of the proposals from the election program that was presented Saturday in Pakhuis De Zwijger in Amsterdam. The party puts the climate at the center of this and advocates a ‘system change’. Party leader Jesse Klaver speaks of a ‘bright green and modern left’ program. In the preface he states that GroenLinks wants to be part of a new government coalition that is ‘as left as possible’. “That is why we are looking for cooperation with other left-wing and progressive parties even before the elections.

The party wants to end short flights to, for example, Brussels, Paris and London and replace them with train connections that have to depart ‘every hour’. A tax on tickets bought in the Netherlands should discourage ‘frequent flying’. GroenLinks is also launching ‘citizen councils’, in which ordinary people participate in the approach to the climate crisis. For example, ‘every inhabitant of the Netherlands must have a say in tackling the climate crisis’.

No ‘meat tax’

Fruit and vegetables are cheaper because the party wants to abolish the VAT on them. Meat, on the other hand, will cost a lot more. Contrary to the previous election program, GroenLinks does not want to increase the VAT on meat, a ‘meat tax’, but ‘all costs’ must be passed on in the meat price, ‘including the damage to nature and climate’. The party does not say how much a meatball or steak will cost. In 2025, meat may only be sold if it has at least 1 star of the Beter Leven Quality Mark. By 2035, all meat must have three stars.

In many areas, GroenLinks mainly wants to accommodate people with a limited budget. For example, social assistance and minimum wages will increase and many more people must be able to live in social housing by broadening income limits. Rents are also legally limited in the private sector: the government is going to determine the maximum rent for more than 90 percent of the homes.

The rich and large companies are being presented with the bill. For example, there will be an extra tax for millionaires and GroenLinks wants to impose a CEO levy on salaries and bonuses of more than five tons. In addition, there is a proposal to tax every income equally high, whether it comes from work, capital or your own business. In the current tax system, income from work is taxed most heavily.

Free childcare

In addition to the care allowance, GroenLinks also wants to get rid of the childcare allowance and the child-related budget. Childcare will be free of charge four days a week (out-of-school care will even be completely free of charge) and for families with children there will be a separate allowance that also includes child benefit. The housing benefit will remain in place in the plans. The mortgage interest relief is being phased out more quickly.

It was announced on Thursday that GroenLinks wants to give everyone who turns 18 a ‘starting capital’ of 10,000 euros. There must also be a new scholarship of a maximum of 400 euros per month. Only students from families with an income of up to 100,000 euros per year can claim this.


Not all plans affect the wallet: GroenLinks wants to amend the abortion legislation for example. For example, abortion is required by the Criminal Code, the mandatory reflection period is abolished, the abortion pill will be available from the GP and the pill will be reimbursed by the basic package. The party also wants to take tough action ‘against intimidating protesters at abortion clinics’.

GroenLinks says it wants to continue building a smoke-free generation by increasing excise duties on tobacco. Parks, playgrounds and terraces will be completely smoke-free. In addition, the party wants to accept more migrants from outside Europe than is currently the case. This does not only concern refugees, but also labor migrants from outside the EU. Agreements must be made with countries of origin to allow nationals to work here in sectors where there is a shortage.

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