Home » today » World » Griner in Russia sentenced to 9 years in prison for transporting one gram of cannabis oil

Griner in Russia sentenced to 9 years in prison for transporting one gram of cannabis oil

Griner was found guilty of drug smuggling, which the judge said she did on purpose. Griner was arrested with less than one gram of cannabis oil in her luggage at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport on February 17. She said it was an “honest mistake” due to the hasty assembly.

Her lawyers argued that if Griner ever used medical marijuana, it was only at home, in Arizona, where it is legal, very rarely, in short periods between competitions and on vacation, only by prescription due to her severe pain from sports injuries.

The two-time Olympic gold medalist apologized in her last statement in court and asked for leniency, explaining that she had no intention of violating Russian law.

Defenders of the athlete noted that they would certainly appeal the decision.

The reaction of the US authorities

US President Joe Biden called Griner’s sentence “unacceptable”.

“Today, American citizen Brittney Griner received a prison sentence, which is another reminder of what the world already knew: Russia is wrongfully holding Brittney. This is unacceptable and I call on Russia to release her immediately so that she can be with her wife, loved ones, friends. and teammates,” he said.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said the decision “further reinforces the unfairness of her illegal detention” and “draws attention to our grave concerns about the Russian legal system and the Russian government’s use of illegal detentions to advance its cause.”

Director of Strategic Communications for the US National Security Council John Kirby pointed to a “serious offer” by the United States for a prisoner exchange with the Russians and said that the United States would seek consular access to Griner.

US authorities say they continue to work to bring Griner home.

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