Home » today » Entertainment » Grimes laments the frugality of Elon Musk and argues: “Sometimes he lives BELOW THE POVERTY LINE”

Grimes laments the frugality of Elon Musk and argues: “Sometimes he lives BELOW THE POVERTY LINE”

Grimes i Elon Musk is undoubtedly one of the most peculiar duos show business has ever seen. While the singer and her senior by 17 years eccentric billionaire in September last year reported about partingrecent reports indicate that not only are they still together, but also lived to see them another common descendant.

Claire Boucher, because that’s the name of the artist, she gave the happy news by accident, during an interview with “Vanity Fair”, which took place at her house. She then announced that in December, together with Muskiem they became the parents of a girl who was born with the help of a surrogate. The couple’s daughter received an equally original name as her older brother – Exa Dark Sideræl Musk (in short AND).

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During the last interview, the 33-year-old also opened up about the relationship with the father of her children. She revealed, among other things, that when she began dating Elon, quite a few fans turned away from her.

I was left-wing, but converted and became a capitalist democrat. It is understandable that many people are upset … – she confessed.

I feel really trapped between two worlds – she added, explaining that before her relationship with the billionaire, there were various things in her life:

I used to be so leftist. I have gone through the time in which I had no money and I lived outside.

Then the singer began to explain that life alongside the founder of the rocket-producing company SpaceX it is not at all, as many people think, strewn with roses. She told about the situation, how once, they found a hole in Musk’s mattress, who never dreamed of buying a new one. He suggested they bring a mattress from her home instead.

Grimes was even tempted to say that her lover was alive “below the poverty line”:

He doesn’t live like a billionaire. Sometimes he lives below the poverty line – convinces, adding: It got to the point where I thought, why not live in a $ 40,000 house where the neighbors are filming us and there is no security, and I eat peanut butter for eight days in a row … – regrets.

As you can guess, the confessions of Musk’s partner detached from reality did not go unnoticed, and Twitter was swarming with comments from irritated Internet users. Most of it was about the fact that the singer confuses living below the poverty line with simple frugality.

Can anybody convey to Grimes that being frugal is not the same as poverty, oh my god!;

The worst part is that she doesn’t know the difference between living sparingly and being poor;

A very interesting look at what poverty is …;

Everyone talks about their second child, not that she ate peanut butter for eight consecutive days and confessed that she and the billionaire live below the poverty line … – we read.

Do you feel sorry for her “poverty” alongside Elon Musk with millions on her account?

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He’s filthy rich, people like that don’t give a damn somewhere. He would like to do something unattainable, discover undiscovered, and not insert photos in Gucci robes. He also probably hangs on what mattress he sleeps on, as long as he is safe.

I wonder what HE likes the most about her and what makes him angry.

He has no idea what 🤦‍♀️ is talking about

No offense, but usually those who have money are the most meager !!! Discounts always and everywhere sepia … I know from autopsy; P

These are evil and scary people, they have a bad aura.

Latest comments (65)

Cezary Pazura writes about his son, what a hero he is, and in fact, he boasted that he accepted people from Ukraine. It is very noble and you could write about it directly and not combine it, as if to show off without bragging about it.

Well, nothing prevents you from spending your money, not his.

He is from another planet and he doesn’t think about buying a new mattress. He’s thinking about how much you have to spend on a new star rocket. He wants to be part of the history of the conquest of space, he wants to be children who used to learn about him at school.

I can guess what she meant, but she said it unfortunately … Rich people do not flaunt that their fortune, they dress normally, do not have the puffiness in them that our nouveau riche with changed facial features of “stars”, series of pitches and other … ubiquitous on nstagrams.

To think that I once considered her a valuable artist … and this is another, not sinful shallow girl, but in an eccentric package.

They’re not together anymore, so why not do some research before writing an article. She is from Chelsea mannig – a transgender woman who has been in prison for revealing classified documents on wikileaks …

Ukrainian special forces should blow up the North Stream 1 pipeline, through which TW Oskar and Putin murdered President Lech Kaczyński in Smolensk. Cut the umbilical cord of death.

My friend, Urainiec, told me that the Poles had taken their minds by accepting his nation into their homes and said that if the situation was the opposite, the Poles would not be able to count on such help from them.

grimes babbles at first, then thinks, but on the whole seems to be a very sweet, sincere and real person. it is known that the media show it badly.

maybe just selfish. after all, the hole was on her side …

I’m curious how much the surrogate got for the second kid

Ukraine, using underwater traffic routes, should bomb the North Stream 1 pipeline through which the Russians kill Germans and raise funds to kill Ukrainian women in children. Cut off Putin’s cord.

People with aspergas have a hard time throwing things out sometimes, maybe that’s it

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