The 5 Star Movement has always been anchored “to three essential pillars: our symbol, our name and the rule of the second mandate”. This was written in a long post entitled “Our DNA”, Beppe Grillo.
Grillo addresses the “dear activists, spokespeople and supporters of the 5 Star Movement” and explains: “These three pillars of ours are in no way negotiable, essential and cannot be changed at will. They are the beating heart of the 5 Star Movement, our beacon in the storm. Changing them would mean betraying the trust of those who believed in us, of those who fought with us, of those who saw in the Movement the only hope for real change”.
The unrecognizable M5s: how the Movement has changed in 10 years from Grillo to Conte (passing through Di Maio)
by Matteo Pucciarelli

The symbol of the 5 Star Movement
About the symbol, Grillo writes that “it is not just a graphic sign, it is a call to change, it is the emblem of an entire cultural and political revolution, the flag under which millions of Italians marched with us. It is the banner under which millions of citizens have recognized themselves and with which we have fought important battles; from which shared ideas, values and hopes were born, it is the visible sign of our fight for transparency, justice and participation. A political party should never give in to the temptation to change its symbol: it is the compass that guides the path towards the future, without ever betraying the past”.
The name
Grillo then addresses the issue of the name: “Our name, MoVimento 5 Stelle, is not just a sequence of sounds or letters – he says -: it represents our full identity, it is a name that contains stories, meanings and hopes, like the name of each of us, since our birth. When we pronounce MoVimento 5 Stelle we evoke a connection, we recognize its essence, its uniqueness”. According to the comedian “Changing a name is like giving up a piece of that magic, an invisible bridge that connects who we are to who we want to become. In life there can be many transformations, but the name remains an anchor, a constant reminder of our truest essence. MoVimento 5 Stelle is the name that has guided us towards concrete results, defending it means defending our history and our right to be recognized for what we are, yesterday, today and tomorrow”.
The second term rule
And then there is the second term rule. Grillo states: “It was September 8, 2007: with V-Day, the collection of signatures for three popular initiative bills began, including the introduction of a maximum limit of two legislatures. From which it all began. Politics, in its purest essence, must not be a profession but a noble mission. Transforming political commitment into a perpetual profession means betraying the trust of citizens and sinking into the quagmire of mediocrity and opportunism”.
For the founder of the Movement, “limiting mandates means giving back to the people the sovereignty that is theirs, it is a safeguard of democracy, it prevents a few individuals from claiming the right to govern forever. This turnover guarantees that politics is always animated by new energies, fresh ideas and different perspectives, thus preserving its dynamic and democratic nature. It is a barrier against the degeneration of power and a constant invitation to renewal, to prevent politics from turning into a closed enclosure, distant from the true needs of those who really need it”.
Grillo explains further: “The second term rule is a principle that distinguishes us, that has made us unique, that frees us from power and its temptations. It is the guarantee that the Movement will always remain faithful to its original spirit: serving citizens and not power, with representatives who carry forward ideas and not their own personal ambitions”.
#Grillo #warns #Conte #mandate #symbol #negotiable
– 2024-08-20 15:23:11