Home » today » World » Grey’s Anatomy: Pompeo would have received money to shut up Dempsey’s abuses | What did Isaiah Washington, partner of both in the strip, say

Grey’s Anatomy: Pompeo would have received money to shut up Dempsey’s abuses | What did Isaiah Washington, partner of both in the strip, say

An actor from Grey ‘s Anatomy He assured that the production would have paid him a millionaire figure to the protagonist of the series, Ellen Pompeo, so that he did not denounce the abuse suffered by Patrick Dempsey, the actor who played neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd.

During an interview on the Tavis Smiley podcast, the actor Isaiah Washington, who played Dr. Preston Burke, recounted: “Ellen Pompeo received $ 5 million under the table during the heyday of the age of MeToo for not telling the world how toxic and disgusting Patrick Dempsey really was”.

According to Washington, “no one wanted (Dempsey) on the show” because of his “inappropriate behaviors”. Once, the actor recounted, “I had a conversation with him and he said, ‘Isaiah, do you know that white men are the masters of the universe?’ And I asked him, ‘Do you really believe it?’ Absolutely'”.

Washington’s accusations are not the only ones against the famous actor. In the book How to Save a Life: The Inside Story of Grey’s Anatomy of journalist Lynette Rice, her own colleagues accuse Dempsey of “Terrorize” them on set.

According to the testimonies that Rice published, the aggressive and unpleasant attitude of the actor hastened the end of his character, who left the series in 2015.

James Parriot, executive producer of the series, said Dempsey’s harassment “wasn’t sexual or anything like that” but it upset others. “Some of the cast members had PTSD because of him.”, he claimed.

“He had the power and he knew he could stop production whenever he wanted and scare people. People from the network and the studio came and talked to him. I think he was just fed up with the series. He didn’t like having to come all the time. days to work, “he said of Dempsey’s ending of the character.

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