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Grenoble vs Rouen: Game 4 of the Final Ends in Dramatic Overtime Defeat

Grenoble faced Rouen this afternoon, on behalf of game 4 of the final. With two zero wins, and a match 3 postponed to Monday (4:15 p.m.), the Grenoble residents hoped to seek a capital success at Ile Lacroix against the Dragons.

Rouen shoots first

The start of the match is no exception to the rule of this final. Committed and under high intensity, the two teams went blow for blow from the start of the third. The Dragons put pressure on Stepanek’s cage when Markus Poukkula received a 2-minute penalty in the 4th minute of play. Grenoble’s “PK” worked well, and the Rouge et Bleu got away with it. Rouen dominates this first act and Grenoble reacts on a few lightning counter-attacks. In the 13th minute of play, the defense of the BDL ends up cracking on a signed achievement Lucenius. Very short-lived advantage since on the next engagement Dylan Fabre puts the teams on a par! Grenoble gradually takes the ascendancy and in the 15th minute of play, Brent Aubin with a shot in the top corner gives his team the advantage. After 20 minutes of play, Grenoble leads 2 to 1 at Ile Lacroix.

Spectacle and goals … refused

The start of the second third is not favorable to the BDLs. Punished for a delay in the game, the Grenoble residents suffered a numerical inferiority in the 21st minute of play. The Dragons benefit and Tessier puts the teams tied: 2-2. This game is crazy. AT the 25th minute of play Dylan signs a double and restores the advantage to Grenoble, assisted by Brent Aubin, him again. Joel Champagne think of giving the break to Grenoble but the goal of 4-2 is finally refused after video assistance. A few minutes later, it was Rouen who saw the VAR deny the equalizer for the Dragons. The score does not move, and Grenoble still leads 3-2 after 38 minutes of play. What a match. Rouen continues to push and ends up equalizing. Bedin deceives Kouba in the 41st minute of play, in a situation of numerical superiority. The tension mounts and the penalties follow one another at Ile Lacroix. 6 minutes from the end of the second period, Grenoble suffered a 5 against 3 after the penalties imposed on Hardy and A. Dair. The Reds and Blues hold on and “kill” this new superiority. The two teams return to the locker room in a crazy atmosphere with the score of 3-3.

Hat trick de Dylan Fabre !

At the 45th minute of play, Dylan Fabre signs a hat-trick which allows in Grenoble to take the lead in this match 4! The Aubin – Fabre association works wonders and the Rouge et Bleu lead 4-3 after 46 minutes of play. On a harmless action, Kouba misses his recovery and is punished in the 49th minute of play by Leborgne. Everything is to be redone: 4-4. The tension rises a further notch as the end of regulation time approaches. Grenoble is repeatedly confronted with new situations of numerical inferiority. Rouen has the momentum and the Rouge et Bleu suffer at the end of the game. Jyrki Aho’s men manage the end of the game and the two teams go straight into overtime!

A bitter-tasting extension

At 3 against 3, the extension is running at 100 an hour. Joël Champagne touches the bar from the start of the latter. Dylan is close to finding the fault moments later. On an opposing counter, Lamperier deceives Kouba at close range and offers victory to Rouen. Unfortunate end to the match for Grenoble who will have come very, very close to victory this evening.

Game 5 this Wednesday!

Both teams will play Game 3 (postponed) tomorrow, Monday April 10 at 4:15 p.m. With 2 wins to 1, a match 5 will take place at Polesud on Wednesday April 12 at 8:15 p.m. Book your tickets now by accessing our ticketing area.

Subscribers will have priority in booking seats until Tuesday, April 11, 6:30 p.m. The shop will be closed this Monday, April 10 but will reopen its doors on Tuesday.

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