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Grenoble University Hospital on the trail of treatment?

In Grenoble, doctors are looking for volunteers to test a new treatment against COVID-19: water enriched in hydrogen.

Is the Grenoble University Hospital Center (CHU) in the process of finding a treatment against COVID-19? The track looks promising. A team of doctors is using hydrogen-enriched water cures, which would reduce the inflammation characteristic of severe forms of COVID-19 and therefore prevent the worsening of symptoms.

Two glasses of water a day, for 21 days

To verify the effectiveness of this new treatment, doctors from Grenoble University Hospital have launched the clinical study HydroCovid. They are looking for 450 volunteers aged 60 and over, in the first days of infection with the coronavirus. Jean-Luc Bosson, public health doctor and head of the study methodology, explains to France 3 how it works: just drink a glass of 250 milliliters of hydrogen-enriched water twice a day, for 21 days. The patients will be followed by the study doctors, at home, during visits or by teleconsultation. An oximeter will also be provided to them to follow the evolution of their oxygen level in the blood.

Easy to access, simple and inexpensive treatment

Doctors in the study hope that this hydrogen-enriched water cure will reduce inflammation due to COVID-19 and therefore promote healing at home, and better recovery. The advantages of this experimental treatment are its high tolerance, its low cost and its ease of administration in the form of tablets to be dissolved in a glass of water. In addition, if its effectiveness is proven, this cure could be effective on all variants of the coronavirus in circulation.

Interested persons aged 60 or over, with a non-severe form of COVID-19 and residing in Grenoble, Valence, Romans, Montélimar, Chambéry and Dijon are invited to contact 04 76 76 50 40 to participate in the clinical study or just have more information.

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