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Grenoble: new names for squares and parks in honor of female figures

The municipality of Grenoble has led a campaign to rename certain gardens and several squares in the city with the names of illustrious women.

Thus, the Vallons garden becomes the Gisèle-Halimi garden, named after the lawyer and feminist activist, defender of the independence of Algeria, who was a deputy for Isère from 1981 to 1984 and who fought in the United Nations for the rights of homosexual persons and for parity in politics.

For its part, the plant garden becomes the plant garden Joséphine-Baker, emeritus artist and figure of the resistance and the fight against discrimination, whose memory was honored last year since she became the sixth woman and the first black woman to enter the Hall of Fame in 2021.

The station forecourt becomes the Madeleine-Pauliac/Escadron bleu forecourt, in homage to this resistant woman doctor, who helped during the war, and also a tribute to all the women who made up the Blue Squadron. : Violette Guillot, Micheline Reveron, Aline Tschupp, Simone Saint-Olive, Élisabeth Blaise, Cécile Stiffler, Jeannine Robert, Charlotte Pagès, Simone Braye, Françoise Lagrange and Jacqueline Heiniger.

Finally, the tennis hall becomes the Alice-Milliat hall, founder of the Federation of Women’s Sports Societies of France (FSFSF) in 1917, and the Bouchayer-Viallet park becomes the Isaure-Périer park, named after this activist who had was one of the five women members of the commission appointed by the Commune responsible for organizing education in girls’ schools, in May 1871.

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