If Philippe Rase chairs Grenoble Angels, it is not necessarily to talk about money, even if that is still a bit part of the “job”.
Advancing a form of maturity linked to age, the Grenoble association has invested in the local economy since its founding and has supported the explosion of start-ups. She has, she explains, never deviated from a method that has proven itself: a benevolent outlook while maintaining the rigor of wise investment and measurement of the issues at stake.
Thus, the advice and support part will help companies to grow harmoniously and avoid teething mistakes which could undermine a project where, quite logically, Grenoble Angels has taken positions. Where we understand that investing without support can be counterproductive.
This evening, Grenoble Angels will let its DNA speak with three inspiring round tables. The first is devoted to the association itself on the theme “Yesterday and tomorrow” with Isabel Marouard, entrepreneurship expert and guest of honor, Caroline Bouvard, deputy general director of Economy and Attractiveness for Grenoble Alpes Métropole and Jean-Louis Brunet , honorary president and founder of Grenoble Angels.
The second round table will deal with support “beyond financing” and will bring together Marc Perotto (Widip), Romain Gentil (Wizbii) and Philippe Rase.
The third is entitled “A solid and committed partnership network” with Florent Genoux (Bpifrance), Olivier Danès (Banque de France), Philippe Protin (Grenoble IAE) and Bertrand Celse (Mazars).
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