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Grenoble: 100 feminist organizations for changing the rules…

For four years now, the Muslim women’s union has been fighting for access to the municipal swimming pools of Grenoble, a public service from which they are excluded by the internal regulations. Indeed, the latter imposes a sexist-racist standardization and refuses all people who do not want to wear a so-called feminine and traditional swimsuit. However, the feminine – if indeed this singular has a meaning – cannot be reduced to wearing a bikini or a one-piece swimsuit.

Going to the pool means exposing your body to society, to the standardization of binary, gendered assignments, to sexist, transphobic, racist, validist imaginations. Discovering one’s body and thus exposing oneself to the gaze of other users can be a humiliating, embarrassing and therefore excluding experience. Obliging people wearing the headscarf to undress to access a public service open to all is very concretely prohibiting them from accessing it. Feminism that only defends the rights of white and bourgeois cisgender women has no value other than to offer an alibi for reactionary and colonialist decisions.

Several feminist collectives, political parties, unions and individuals are positioning themselves today via the Feminist General Assembly of Grenoble so that access to municipal swimming pools is no longer conditioned for anyone by the length of swimsuits that meet the requirements of hygiene (swimsuit in lycra material) and safety. In this political context of the trivialization of Islamophobia, and the rise of the extreme right, the town hall of Grenoble bears the responsibility for the exclusion of Muslim women who wear the headscarf from municipal swimming pools and therefore has the duty to change the regulations. .

On the right, politicians like Laurent Wauquiez or Emilie Chalas expose their uninhibited Islamophobia; and on the left as on the right, anti-sexist arguments are continually instrumentalized for racist purposes. The defended republican universalist model hides without much success a colonialist misogynistic system according to which patriarchal violence would only be the prerogative of Muslim people or perceived as such. The discourse held on the so-called “mismatch” between Islam and women’s rights only aims to take away rights from women who wear the headscarf, to deprive them of public services.

Swimming pool regulations actively contribute to this marginalization and social humiliation of Muslim women wearing the headscarf. We can no longer bear that the first concerned are not the first listened to.

We expect Grenoble’s elected officials to take their responsibilities by voting for the change in swimming pool regulations at the next city council on Monday, May 16. We won’t wait another summer for the swimming pools to be open to everyone.

We have the right to dispose of our bodies as we wish!

Feminist AG 38


  1. NousToustes38
  2. Balance ton bar Grenoble
  3. Serein.es
  4. Feminist Collages Lille
  5. Purple Scarves
  6. The Respect Squad
  7. Feminist Collages Chambéry
  8. Peps Isere
  9. The Beginners
  10. Burgundy Feminist Collages
  11. Grenoble Feminist Collages
  12. Lesbian Fightback 38
  13. Queer Jewishness Collages
  14. Jewish Feminist Collages Marseille
  15. Collages against Islamophobia
  16. Balance ton bar Paris
  17. NousToutes06
  18. All kinds
  19. Greater Lyon Muslim Women’s Union
  20. Marseille Feminist Collages
  21. Balance your bar Marseille
  22. Balance ton bar Aix
  23. Grenoble Feminist Antifascist Group
  24. Grenoble Pride
  25. Cape Health
  26. Isère High School Emancipation
  27. Young ecologists Grenoble
  28. Toulouse Feminist Collages
  29. Hero•ines 95 without borders
  30. Fridays For Future Grenoble
  31. All of us 34
  32. Rouen Feminist Collages
  33. Lié•e•s
  34. Feminist Actions Tours
  35. Balance Your College Tours
  36. Med’Sans Violence
  37. Feminist Action Group Rouen
  38. Feminist Collages Vienna 38
  39. Feminist Collages 94
  40. Feminist collages Vitry-sur-Seine
  41. Youth For Climate Lyon
  42. Colleux•ses nantais•es
  43. Boulogne Feminist Collages
  44. Healer Company
  45. Feminist Collages Angers
  46. Feminist Antifascist Coordination
  47. Montreuil Feminist Assembly
  48. We All 35
  49. Revolutionary Feminists Nantes
  50. Femicide Collages Paris
  51. St Etienne Feminist Collages
  52. Feminist collages Perpignan
  53. Diversions Grenoble
  54. Feminist collages Blois
  55. Limoges feminist collages
  56. Revolutionary Feminists Paris
  57. Feminists Against Cyberbullying
  58. All of us 33
  59. Grenoble student solidarity
  60. Grenada Collective
  61. The Hijabeuses
  62. Grenoble Libertarian Communist Union
  63. Eure feminist collages
  64. We All 27
  65. Nta Rajel Collective
  66. LGBTQIA+ collective of Corrèze
  67. Trans_sport Queer
  68. We All Marseille
  69. Plural Identities
  70. Red Youth Grenoble
  71. Vizille’s feminists
  72. UEC Grenoble
  73. The reindeer
  74. Feminist collages Lyon
  75. For a Committed, United, Feminist Medicine
  76. Front for the Fight for a Decolonial Ecology
  77. All of us 76
  78. Marseilles March 8
  79. Tribute to Moms Association
  80. lesbian seating
  81. AntiSexiste Brigade
  82. The Degummers
  83. Cqfad+
  84. Action Antifasciste Grenoble
  85. Isère High School National Movement
  86. Patriarchie Magazine
  87. Acceptess-T
  88. Greater Lyon Citizen Alliance
  89. Citizen Alliance of Grenoble
  90. Citizen Alliance of Seine-Saint-Denis
  91. Stéphanois collective against Islamophobia and for equality
  92. Le ReAct
  93. UNEF Grenoble
  94. The sonorous clitoris
  95. The Young Insoumis.es Grenoble
  96. Adelphe Lille
  97. Feminist collages Strasbourg
  98. Young Generation Grenoble
  99. Lallab
  100. FLIRT – Front Transfem
  101. Young Ecologists Lyon
  102. Young Insoumis.es St-Etienne
  103. Lesbian Liberation
  104. KLM Collective
  105. Paulette Magazine
  106. Montpellier Feminist Collages
  107. FUIQP 38

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