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Gregoretti, the Northern League strategy: “Ready to vote yes at the trial”

The one on Gregoretti case it is “a trial against the entire Italian people”. And for this Matteo Salvini he asks to be sent to the bar.

This was confirmed by the League leader himself and former interior minister, who was under investigation for kidnapping for blocking the Navy ship with migrants on board for 3 days until an agreement was reached for redistribution in Europe. “Tomorrow I will ask those who have to vote to do me a favor: ‘vote to send me to trial, take me to court and we clarify that it will be a trial against the entire Italian people'”, he said in a rally in Cattolica during the tour for the elections Regionals 2020 in Emilia Romagna, “Defending my country is my duty, it is not my right. Left judges go get the dealers and don’t break the boxes for the people who work. Send me to trial so we decide once and for all whether to defend the borders of Italy, the security and honor of Italy is a crime or if it is a duty of a good minister. I no longer want to waste time or make Italians waste time, in the courts there are real criminals to try. Send me to trial, find a court large enough because I think millions of Italians will want to keep me company“.

Tomorrow the Board for immunities of the Senate is called to vote on the authorization to proceed against the former vice premier. Voting which will then have to be confirmed by the Hall of Palazzo Madama. This time – unlike what happened with the analogous case of Diciotti – the former allies are ready to unload all the blame on Salvini, despite emails proving how the entire first Conte government was aware of the issue.

On the date of the vote in the Council, a fuss has risen in recent days. There Giallorossi majorityin fact, he wanted to postpone to avoid that a yes to the authorization to proceed could somehow influence the ballot boxes in Emilia Romagna and Calabria. But, despite the stop to work in Parliament for next week, on Friday the Board led by Maurizio Gasparri decided not to postpone the issue. The vote of the President of Palazzo Madama was decisive, Elisabetta Casellati, accused for this of not being impartial. “In conscience, I’d do it all the same way,” she defends herself in an interview with The print, “Thirdness is not a rubber band that exists only when a decision suits a party. When I decided to increase the members of the junta of the regulation, I had the opposition against it and the majority thanked me”.

So it seems that the strategy of the majority has changed: left and 5 stars are ready to desert the vote to leave the center-right (at least until the vote in plenary) the responsibility to save or not Salvini. Hence the change of course of the League: now the orientation is to vote yes to the process to postpone the showdown to February. Maybe strong with a good result at the polls

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