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Greg Duplantis: “He Can Jump 6.30”

For the first time, Greg Duplantis got to see his son set a world record, but Armand Duplantis has not reached his maximum capacity yet. – He can jump at least 6.30, says Greg Duplantis.

After jumping all his previous world records without his father, also a coach, in the stands, Armand Duplantis finally got to celebrate both World Cup gold and world records with father Greg.

– That he was with now was the icing on the cake. Without him, I probably would not have been able to do what I did, “Mondo” said after the competition.

Even for Greg, the evening will be a memory for life.

– It was very special, he says to TT.

– I remember all the world records I have seen, in all the different disciplines, but to see his son do it is something completely different.

The new record, 6.20, was a dream limit for the 22-year-old, but according to the father, the limit for what Armand Duplantis can jump is not even close to being reached.

– He will jump higher, at least 6.30, predicts Greg Duplantis.

Duplantis has set all his world records indoors, although he is also the one who has jumped the highest ever outdoors, but Greg Duplantis believes that there may be world records even when the outdoor season starts.

– Indoors, everything is so controlled, you have no rain and no wind, but it is possible to jump world records outside as well. I have been to competitions where it has been radiant sun and perfect tailwind, but I have also been to competitions where it has rained and blown, it’s just more uncertain.

This summer’s outdoor World Cup in Eugene, Oregon, is the next big goal for the Swedish superstar. If he wins gold there, he has won everything that can be won as an athlete. Dad Greg believes in new great deeds.

– It can be really good there, it is a very good place to jump pole vault.

Already on Monday, a day after the world record, Armand Duplantis flew home to Sweden.

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