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Greens on Instagram | Bad Nauheim

Bad Nauheim(pm). The local association Bündnis90 / Die Grünen Bad Nauheim is now represented on Instagram. The channel can be found under @gruene_badnauheim and followed.

In the upcoming election campaign for local elections in March, the Greens will explain and publish the core issues of their election program on the new channel, as the party informs in a press release.

Work too
in parliament subject

In addition, the individual list candidates will introduce themselves. “For direct questions to the party, the Instagram channel is always open and can be reached via personal messages. After the local elections, updates on the work and the ideas of the Greens on current issues will continue to be shared on this channel. Information and comments will be shared via given the motions put in parliament, “the Bad Nauheim Greens continue to write.

In addition, events such as the popular Tour de Natur are to be made more widely known via this channel. “

Brigitta Nell-Düvel and Oliver Westphal, spokesman for the board, say in the press release: “We want to use the new, modern communication options to get younger people interested in Bad Nauheim’s city policy and to get them excited about green ideas for urban development. It’s a nice one Development that some new younger members have come together to convey politics for young people in a transparent and interesting way. “

Further information can be found at the Internet address www.gruene-bad-nauheim.de and on Instagram at @gruene_badnauheim.

Those: Wetterauer newspaper

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