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Greens had “constructive” meeting with Egbert Lachae …

Open VLD chairman Egbert Lachaert, who this week received an assignment from the king to form a government, met with Groen and Ecolo on Friday. Both Lachaert and the Greens speak of a “constructive” meeting afterwards, but do not want to comment further.

On Tuesday, the king ordered Lachaert to “take the necessary initiatives with the aim of forming a government with a broad majority in parliament”. Lachaert has to report on this on Friday next week.

It is the Open VLD chairman’s turn after N-VA chairman Bart De Wever and PS chairman Paul Magnette had unsuccessfully tried to set up a purple-yellow coalition. They tried to pry Open Vld from sister party MR, but the two liberal parties have tied their fates together.

Explore possibilities

Lachaert says he wants to explore the possibilities with an open mind. He is therefore talking to the various parties again. Earlier there was a conversation with N-VA chairman De Wever, which according to indiscretions in the media was not so positive. On Friday there was a “substantive” conversation with the Greens, which according to those involved was “constructive”.

There would be nothing on the formation agenda this weekend.

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