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Greenpeace shoots Blumar and slides that they would lie in case of escaped salmon | (none)

On Saturday afternoon, Greenpeace came out to criticize the handling of the massive salmon leak suffered by the Blumar company in one of its farming centers in the Reloncaví Sound due to bad weather conditions and slipped the possibility that the company is lying in the numbers delivered.

From the management, Gerardo Balbontín pointed out that the affected unit had 875,144 fish in the fattening stage, those that had an average weight of 3,828 kilos and that were distributed in 18 cages, the exact magnitude of the escape being unknown at the moment.

That point was flogged by the environmental NGO, from where darts were fired at the fishing industry and the industry in general, accusing possible manipulation of the data to lower the profile of the crisis.

“It is unpresentable that the company itself does not know the magnitude of the leak. The planting permit was for a total of 1,009,474 salmon and in this event practically all the cages sank, so at least we are talking about 1 million escaped salmon ”, launched Estefanía González, campaign coordinator.

“We also know that the industry systematically falsifies data on sowing and mortalityThis was demonstrated by the case of Nova Austral where former manager Nicos Nicolaides presents different complaints and lawsuits for concealing the figures, “he added.

“In the case of this center, the legal representative of the Blumar company at the time of processing permits to increase cultivation capacity it is the same Nicos Nicolaides, so it would not be surprising if the amount actually sown in this center is even greater than authorized, ”he added.

In his opinion, the causes of the collapse of the cages containing Atlantic salmon, a confirmed leak by Sernapesca, and which occurred in the near the location of the Marine Harvest leak (Mowi), en 2018.

The fact it was reported to the Superintendency of the Environment and the next few days will be key to the control of the recapture of salmon that the company itself must do.

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