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GreenAlp in Claix: for a responsible approach to public lighting

GreenAlp, operator of the gas and electricity distribution network for Grenoble and 23 other Isère municipalities, has installed LED lighting in Claix with a color temperature suitable for road use.

Committed to the energy transition, GreenAlp and its teams offer municipalities and metropolitan areas optimized management of their lighting, from design to maintenance, including construction and operation. The master plan for lighting development (SDAL) proposed by Grenoble Alpes Métropole thus aims to set a coherent framework for public lighting which, in the metropolis, represents 66,000 light points and an annual budget of more than 6 million dollars. ‘euros. The diagram proposes guiding principles: no longer extend the illuminated areas, except for new urban development, eliminate unnecessary lighting, choose the type of lighting according to the context, implement areas of reduced lighting or extinction according to timetable criteria. All for the quantified objectives of 60% reduction in energy consumption by 2035 (compared to 2013).

© Denis Washed

For Alban Mathé, Chairman of the Management Board of GreenAlp, “ responding to societal challenges such as the safety of residents, in particular pedestrians and cyclists, and improving the quality of life remains the priority of local authorities in terms of public lighting. But expectations are growing and growing, particularly in terms of the environment: saving energy, reducing invasive light in homes, preserving biodiversity and ensuring night sky vision are becoming subjects of concern for municipalities and citizens alike. ».

Thus, with the City of Claix, GreenAlp has just set up an experiment in optimized lighting, in three areas of the municipality with different uses (circulatory roadway, pedestrian roadway, public park). These economical, sustainable and biodiversity-friendly lighting solutions are in line with the recommendations of the Grenoble-Alpes Métropole lighting master plan (SDAL).

The larger the passage area, the more the color of light is white, therefore charged with blue; the more the passage is reduced, the more the color warms up towards red. The variation of light is made by incorporating filters which make it possible to attenuate the negative effects of light, by suppressing blue light. This technology meets an objective of preserving the environment, in particular, the protection of biodiversity, and the fight against light pollution.

The GreenAlp experiment includes three different lighting systems in Claix and a night-time extinguishing program on the outskirts. In downtown Claix, the following have been installed:

– white lighting to ensure the visibility and safety of circulatory roads;

– yellow lighting to avoid light pollution in pedestrian streets;

– amber lighting to preserve biodiversity in parks and gardens.

© Denis Washed

« The right way to illuminate the public space is that of consensus, declares Alban Mathé, the one that satisfies at the same time: the inhabitants, who will always feel safe at night; wildlife, which will not seek refuge elsewhere and will be found in built-up areas, day and night; the community, which will see its energy bill drop, and users, in the broad sense, just as satisfied by new technology lighting and finally the operator of public lighting networks who, thanks to the management and supervision of structures, will be able to intervene as soon as possible. In any case, current technologies make it possible to reconcile the interests of all, and this is what we want to demonstrate with this experiment at Claix. »

The City of Claix is ​​pursuing an investment program that aims to renew its public lighting to save energy, preserve biodiversity and fight against light pollution.

Out of 1,628 existing light points in the town, 291 have been fitted with LED technology since the renovation of the park began in 2015. The luminaires fitted with old technology, which consume less energy and are obsolete, are destined to be replaced. Between 2015 and 2020, this investment program led to a reduction in public lighting consumption of 170,000 kWh and a reduction in CO2 emissions by 17 tonnes over the period.

© Denis Washed

« Today, we offer several solutions adapted to the needs of the territories, explains Christophe Bresson, communications director, Signify, such as light colors close to high pressure sodium (orange light) which make it possible to preserve a clear night sky, reduce light pollution and the impact of light on biodiversity. Other solutions make it possible to maintain an optimal ecosystem for certain species of bats. Finally, solutions with a light close to that of the candle for the protected sites referred to in article IV of the decree of December 27, 2018 (nature reserves and astronomical observation sites) or for cities wishing to have lighting. close to high pressure sodium lamps. »

© Denis Washed

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