Scientists from the University of Technology Sydney conducted an experiment during which they found out how effectively indoor plants are able to purify the air in residential and office premises. First of all, the decrease in the concentration of toxic pollutants – carcinogens was assessed.
Gasoline vapors are the main pollution in cities
Globally, poor air quality is responsible for 6.7 million premature deaths, according to the World Health Organization. And since we spend 90% of our time indoors, it becomes clear that finding ways to improve the composition of the air in them is very important.
“We know that indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air, and this affects mental and physical health. But there is good news: our study showed that something as simple as having plants indoors plays an important role,” say Australian scientists.
As they note, previous experiments with houseplants have shown that they can remove a wide range of indoor pollutants, but this is the first study of their ability to clean gasoline fumes from the air. But they are the main source of toxic compounds in urban buildings around the world: often offices and even residential buildings are connected to underground parking lots through elevator shafts or doors. And, of course, gasoline vapors enter the premises from nearby roads and highways through open windows.
It has been found that inhaling these chemicals can lead to lung irritation, headaches and nausea. It is also associated with an increased risk of cancer, asthma, and other chronic diseases if exposed for a long time.
The more toxins, the stronger the effect
What did scientists from the University of Technology Sydney manage to find out? As they themselves say, the results far exceeded their expectations.
In a sealed chamber with gasoline vapors, nine systems were tested – “green walls” consisting of a mixture of indoor plants. It turned out that thanks to them, 97% of the most toxic compounds are removed from the air in eight hours.
“We found that plants remove the most harmful pollutants from the air in a matter of hours. And carcinogenic benzene disappears even faster than less harmful substances such as alcohols. We also found that the more toxins in the air, the faster and more efficiently the plants remove them. They easily adapt to the conditions in which they grow, ”said the lead author of the study, Associate Professor at the University of Technology Sydney Fraser Torpey.

Scientists have named three plants that were used in the “green walls” – this is the golden epipremnum, the leg-leaved syngonium and the crested chlorophytum. Given that neither air conditioners nor home filters are able to completely protect against the penetration of volatile air pollutants into the room, such living systems, in their opinion, can become very useful and in demand. They suggest considering houseplants not as something just “nice to have” at home or in the office, but as an important part of people’s wellness plan.
“Plants improve health, well-being and productivity. So the best, most cost-effective and sustainable way to combat harmful indoor air pollutants in your workplace and home is to grow plants,” the researchers conclude.