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Green tick in app, but corona: ‘That is a residual risk’

Going to the gym, the museum or a terrace: from Saturday you can no longer do that without a corona ticket. The outgoing cabinet has decided to make the QR code mandatory in more places, in the hope of suppressing the increase in the number of corona infections.

In the context of an epidemic in which anyone with corona – vaccinated or not – can transmit the virus, this raises the question of how effective the corona pass is. What good is a QR code system if you can still pass on (and contract) corona with it?

‘Pretty safe’

Outgoing Minister of Health De Jonge was asked that question last night after the press conference. The system is “risk-reducing,” he replied. “But the risk is not zero.”

According to De Jonge, the corona ticket is “a fairly safe solution” for people who have been vaccinated, because they have less chance of infecting others or becoming infected themselves. Moreover, according to the RIVM, vaccination protects 94 percent against hospitalization.

De Jonge calls the fact that vaccinated people can have corona without knowing it as a residual risk, which is greatest for people who have not been vaccinated.

According to the outgoing minister, “the ratio remains straight” to continue to use the corona admission ticket:

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