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Green pass, the effect on vaccination vanishes. One hundred thousand at home without a salary

The effect Green pass on vaccination is fading. While the rush to swabs generated by the obligation of Green Certification Covid-19 at work it is generating an increase in discovered infections. With six regions in which a slight upward trend is observed: Abruzzo, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Lombardy and Piedmont. This is what the numbers of the Coronavirus emergency say while a million workers manages to get around the certificate requirement and a hundred thousand are at home without a salary. Meanwhile, in the last month there have been 1,444 infections among health personnel, according to what the ISS says. Despite the effectiveness of vaccines on the Delta variant.

The first few doses

But the most important data is that of vaccinations. Who see the first doses drop. The Corriere della Sera today reported that after the rebound of first administrations in the period leading up to 15 October – that is, the day on which the obligation of the Green pass in the workplace came into force – the curve of new immunized people is slowly declining. Yesterday 15,442 first doses were recorded (the data is updated at 21.13, last update), while on Friday they were 29.124, Thursday 31.609, Wednesday 34.744, Tuesday 38.630, Monday 47.572. Last Sunday, a public holiday of decline, there were 28,890, Saturday 16 October 51,787, Friday 15 October 70,710, 14 October 75,740. According to the newspaper, with the current rate of new vaccinated it would take almost two months to reach 90% of immunized.

Meanwhile, the mathematician Giovanni Sebastiani of the CNR reports that in 30 of the 107 Italian provinces the incidence of positives in the last seven days has increased by at least 40% compared to that of the previous seven days. While in another 17 the increase is between 20% and 40%. The daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health Report 3,908 positives in the last 24 hours (3,882 the day before) and 39 victims. On the other hand, the swabs carried out in one day amounted to 491,574, while the positivity rate was stable at 0.79%. The occupation of hospital beds also stops: 338 patients in intensive care, 5 fewer than yesterday. The hospitalized in the ordinary wards are 2,455.

Home workers with no salary

And while amounts to one million the number of workers currently without Green Pass, of these one in ten remained at home without a salary in the first week of the compulsory certificate. According to the messenger, which cites data from trade unions and workers’ associations, in the last week the workers No vax about one hundred thousand are sanctioned. And this is because on the one hand there are few controls (on the other hand the decree authorizes those on a sample basis rather than those on carpets). And on the other hand, because in some sectors, such as those of professionals with VAT numbers, controls are completely non-existent. According to the Mestre CGIA, there are about 50,000 carers at work without a Green Pass and 80,000 truck drivers on the roads even if they do not have Covid-19 Green Certification. Similar numbers in agriculture. While medical certificates are increasing: suspicious ones, says INPS, amount to 50 thousand. Workers without a Green pass they are displaced mostly in the South (13.1% of the total) but the autonomous province of Bolzano has the highest number of unvaccinated employees: 42,150, equal to 17.5% of the total.

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