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Green pass, ok Parliament a labor decree: the rules

Final go-ahead of the classroom to the dl on the Green pass and safety in the workplace. The OK of the House with 300 yes and 33 no. On the provision, the Chamber had voted on the question of trust posed by the government, with 453 votes in favor and 42 against. The measure had already been approved in the Senate, with the vote of Montecitorio is law.

Green pass and salary

Article 1 of the provision states that “the staff … in the event that they communicate that they are not in possession of the Covid 19 green certification or if they do not have the aforementioned certification at the time of accessing the workplace, in order to protect the health and safety of workers in the workplace, is considered unjustified absent until the presentation of the aforementioned certification and, in any case, no later than 31 December 2021, deadline for ending the state of emergency, without disciplinary consequences and with the right to conservation of the employment relationship “. The decree establishes that “for the days of unjustified absence referred to in the first period, no remuneration or other remuneration or emolument, however denominated, is due”.

Green pass and private workers

Article 3, relating to private work, among other things focuses on companies with fewer than 15 employees: in these companies it is possible to replace the worker without a green pass. “After the fifth day of unjustified absence … the employer can suspend the worker for the duration corresponding to that of the employment contract stipulated for the replacement, in any case for a period not exceeding ten days, renewable for one time only, and no later than the aforementioned deadline of December 31, 2021 “, reads.

Green pass and first dose

Article 5 focuses on the times relating to the granting of the Green pass and its duration: for those recovered from the covid, the certificate arrives on the day of the first dose and has a duration of 12 months starting from the certified cure. The decree, in article 5, therefore modifies the timing relating to the granting of the Green pass for those who have had the covid and received the first dose of vaccine within one year of the first molecular swab: the certificate is not issued after 15 days but ” from the same administration “. So, right away.

Green passes, fines and penalties

What is the risk of the worker who does not have them? With the introduction of the obligation, fines of up to 1,500 euros are foreseen for those found without a certificate. More specifically, “staff access to the workplace” without the Green Pass is punished with an “administrative sanction of payment of a sum of between 600 and 1,500 euros”. Fines not only for employees but also for employers who do not control. The legislative decree approved by the Council of Ministers today on the extension of the vaccination passport in fact provides for them to control, with fines – for those who do not – ranging from 400 to a thousand euros.

Green pass, for those who are not compulsory

– children under 12, excluded by age from the vaccination campaign.

– subjects exempt for health reasons from vaccination on the basis of suitable medical certification. Until 30 September 2021, the exemption certificates in paper format issued, free of charge, by the vaccinating doctors of the vaccination services of the companies and bodies of the regional health services or by the general practitioners or pediatricians of free choice of the patient can be used. operating as part of the national anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination campaign, according to the procedures and on the basis of precautions and contraindications defined by the Ministry of Health Circular of 4 August 2021. Vaccine exemption certificates already issued by the Services are valid regional health always up to 30 September;

– citizens who received the ReiThera vaccine (one or two doses) as part of the Covitar trial. The certification, valid until 30 September 2021, will be issued by the doctor in charge of the trial center in which it was carried out on the basis of the Circular of the Ministry of Health 5 August 2021.

Green pass e tamponi

The green pass decree provides free covid swabs for fragile individuals who cannot get vaccinated. Prices of calmierated tampons for other citizens. They drop to 15 and 8 euros until 31 December, the date on which the state of emergency should end, with an expansion for pharmacies. For all the frail who cannot get vaccinated it will be free, while it will be set at 8 euros for those under 18 and 15 euros for all others.

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