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Green pass and vaccination obligation for teachers and Ata, control room and Council of Ministers within 48 hours: will Wednesday be the decisive day?

The Delta variant is scary, the vaccination campaign is proceeding, but not at a rapid pace. The government, therefore, is thinking of redefining the management of the Covid-19 emergency also in light of the expiry of the state of emergency scheduled for 31 July.

We are moving towards the convening – according to what is learned from various government sources – of the control room at Palazzo Chigi on the Covid situation on Wednesday 21 July (probably in the morning). On the same day, the same sources hypothesize, the Council of Ministers could also be held, however expected within the week.

Locatelli: “The CTS cannot decide on the obligation for teachers and Ata, only politics can do it. Priority for the return to class “

Back to class, from the masks to the vaccine through the green pass for teachers and Ata. The official indications of the CTS [PDF]

Colors of the regions and use of the Green Pass

Among the topics on the table in the control room are the new parameters for establishing the colors of the Regions and the criteria for using the Green Pass within the Italian borders. The Regions should turn yellow if the employment of intensive care should exceed the threshold of 5% of the available beds, while for that of the ordinary wards there is a ceiling of 10%. Who risks the yellow zone? Sardinia and Sicily have a rather high incidence (respectively 33.2 and 31.8), but the data of Veneto (26.7), Lazio (24) and Campania (21.7) are also worrying..

As for the green pass, however, the concession will be made only after the double dose of vaccine. The orientation is confirmed by the Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa: “After the indications of the Cts la policy will decide and I believe that we will go towards granting the Green pass only after the double dose of vaccine ”. According to Costa, there are three themes on the table that will be addressed: “The revision of the parameters that lead to ‘color’ areas, giving greater weight to hospitalizations and less to infections; the extension of the use of the Green pass, not following the much vaunted French model, but – need – as it is already used in Italy, perhaps expanding its use at public events where we have to guarantee the safety of people; finally, the issue of the Green pass after the recall and no longer after 15 days from the first vaccine dose “.

Vaccination obligation for teachers and Ata

It is not excluded, as already revealed by the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, that on the table there is also the extension of the vaccination obligation also for teachers and Ata.

“We will meet this week with the council of ministers and there will be a collegial decision. Of course I will bring the results of the CTS, which of course I will present to everyone“, Said the minister on the sidelines of the presentation of Lef, in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

“Currently we are 84%, as Figliuolo said, for the first dose and 75% for the second dose. There has therefore been a very responsible response and we will also take this into account – added Bianchi –We are working day and night to reopen in security conditions, then the government will decide in its collegiality ”.


Vaccination obligation for teachers and Ata, is pressing on the Government: on 20 July the control room. The hypothesis takes hold

The numbers of vaccination for teachers and Ata

There are still over 221 thousand members of school staff in Italy who have not received even a dose of the anti-Covid vaccine. A figure equal to 15.15% of the total, according to the weekly report of the Emergency Commissioner.

In the last week, less than 2 thousand teachers and auxiliaries have received the inoculation. 85% of staff received the first dose while 78.20% are fully immunized. In Sicily almost one in two did not receive even a dose (60,540, 43.24%), in Calabria 31.95%, in Liguria 34.77%, in the Province of Bolzano 38.17% and in that of Trento 23.33%.

Difficult situation also in Sardinia (33.34) and in Umbria (24.97), while the other areas all have percentages of teaching and non-teaching staff waiting below 18.8% in Emilia-Romagna with virtuous cases of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Campania, Lazio and Molise which respectively have zero (the first two) and 144 and 15 unvaccinated people (0.12 and 0.19 percent) in the school staff category.

Bonaccini: “We need a vaccination obligation for school staff”


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