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Green money / Sustainable investments / Eco-banks

Green money / Sustainable investments / Eco-banks

On the Bioverzeichnis.de page The Terms Organic and Eco you will find additional information about sustainable banks and sustainable investments.

Investment in ecological forestry in Costa Rica.

BioFinance Portal
The portal offers information on various citizen financing models in organic agriculture and the food industry.

The comparison platform for sustainable investment products.

The online portal for ethical and ecological investments.

The Germany-wide direct bank for ethical and ecological investments.

Facing Finance
The association sensitizes investors not to finance companies that profit from human rights violations, environmental pollution and arms trafficking.

Make Fund
The consumer portal offers sustainability ratings of investment funds.

Fair Finance Guide Germany
The information portal for reviewing the social and environmental guidelines of German banks.

FIBUR — ethical-ecological finance & insurance
Ethical-ecological pension provision, insurance, investments.

Forum Sustainable Investments | FNG
The professional association for sustainable investments in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

FNG seal
The FNG quality seal for sustainable investments.

The Bonn-based ForestFinance Group offers direct investments in ecological tropical timber reforestation.

Money moves — investing for people and the environment
The Bremen Consumer Advice Center’s internet portal provides information about ethical and ecological investments.

Money with meaning!
The Sustainable Finance Initiative develops information offerings for investors and also plans special offerings for women.

GLS Bank
The world’s first social-ecological universal bank.

Information portal for environmental and renewable energy investments.

Green money
The fair for sustainable investments takes place in various German cities.

The Austrian information platform for ethical and ecological considerations.

Green insured
Ecological and social insurance broker.

Natural Finance
Ethical and ecological financial investments.

A consulting and financing cooperative with an ecological and social focus.

Ethical-ecological investment advice.

The international cooperative provides loans and equity investments to microfinance institutions, cooperatives and small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and emerging countries.

Regional Value Impulse
The Regionalwert AGs are citizens’ joint-stock companies that are trying to change the agricultural and food industry. Together with companies from agriculture, processing and trade, as well as with citizens, they are strengthening regional organic farming.

Triodos Bank
The Sustainability Bank exclusively finances ecological, cultural and social projects or companies that work for a healthy and livable future.

UDI — UmweltDirektInvest consulting company
Ecologically sensible investments, such as biogas, solar and wind funds.

Environmental Bank
The bank for ethical and ecological investments and loans.

VCD Environment & Transport Service
Insurance coverage, climate-friendly investments and ecological retirement provision.

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